This is a picture of Don Regan, former Merrill Lynch CEO, telling Ronald Reagan to speed it up as shown in Michael Moore's movie Capitalism a love story. He became the
treasury secretary under Regan. That's when things began to change.
Henry Paulson was the former CEO of Goldman Sachs and became the US treasury secretary under George W. Bush. Many felt issuing the bank bail out was a conflict of interest.
Likewise, Goldman Sachs became Obama's #1 Private Contributor In Michael Moore's movie he talked about three interesting leaked Citibank documents referring to Plutonomy.
I don't think we should go back to the days where the rich enter a 90% tax bracket. I think no matter how much wealth you have the government shouldn't be able to take more than 50% of it. Yet I do think they should tax off shore accounts and all the hidden funds. Donald Trump bragging about paying zero income tax is treason.