Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Fall Cycle

The fall cycle begins. Fall’s a nice time of year. Watching the leaves turn colour and fall from the trees in anticipation of winter. Winter’s my favorite season but fall represents change and preparation. I’m glad Canada’s emblem is a red maple leaf. Fall represents the circle of life.

One generation falls, the next generation rises. I just wish we left a better world for the next generation than the one we were born into. No such luck.

Sunspots are at an all time low: http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2008/30sep_blankyear.htm?list179555
So the slate has been wiped clean ready for the next cycle.

I’m looking forward to the first snowfall of the year in the local mountains. I’m looking forward to strapping on the snowshoes and powering up the old peaks with a new blanket of snow. I’m looking forward to trying out my ice axe and strapping on the crampons to reach some new peaks in the peak of winter. Now that’s what I’m talking about. Until the end of time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7JuArhpTB8&NR=1

Dow Jones Bounces

Well look at that. The Dow Jones bounces "on hopes the bail-out will be revived and central banks may cut rates." Me thinks it has less to do with the bail out and more to do with banks cutting interest rates. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/financetopics/financialcrisis/3109618/Financial-crisis-Dow-Jones-bounces-on-renewed-bail-out-hopes.html

This is the cutting edge of the coup. If the price of oil drops and banks lower their interest rates when there is no bail out, then why on earth would taxpayers want to spend $700 billion to keep interest rates and the price of oil high? Oh the cunning plan of the evil one(s). Scare tactics of the rich and greedy.

Rich Are Staging a Coup

Here's Michael Moore's take on the banker's bail out.
Maybe if the banks didn’t get a bail out they wouldn’t be so quick to foreclose all those homes.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Oil Drops in Price

I’m finding it difficult to understand all the financial frenzy that’s going on in the market(s). Bush’s bank bail out plan is defeated in the Senate and the TSE drops, the Dow Jones drops and the price of oil drops.

Yet European stock markets tumbled as Dutch-Belgian banking and insurance operator Fortis NV got an 11.2-billion-euro bailout from the governments of Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.

So even if the bail out passed, giving $700 billion of taxpayers money to the banks might not have done a thing.

I found it strange how Bush didn’t give a rat’s ass about all the families that lost their homes to foreclosure but wanted to save the banks, the richest entities on the planet striving for global domination and let the people starve and go homeless.

All the hype is very suspicious. The stock market is driven by greed, fear and speculation. A Jedi concerns himself not with these things. Since I'm so cynical about the large Oil companies obscene profits and their subsequent lobbying of government officials to rule the world, all I see is that the bail out fails and the price of oil drops. Great. That in itself is not a bad thing. Unless of course you are in a conflict of interest and have money invested in oil like the Bush family.

Many will argue that a weak economy is not good for anyone including workers. I agree but I am still very cynical of bank bail outs when the bad debt is simply paper debts because land has value and although it may drop in price temporally, it will rise again like most stocks do.

The frenzy of the market is the perfect example of how we should trust in things that are not based on greed and speculation. Stocks rise and fall. When they fall it becomes a buyers market and money is there to be made.

Nevertheless, A former Treasury Department official predicted that the administration would try to get another House vote before the end of the week, and with only "tiny tweaks" to the package, given the relative closeness of the vote. Sound familiar?

All hail the new beast and the global domination of the banks and the oil companies. They’ll get their way. The spin doctors will just use this as an excuse to give them more and more until the constitution is meaningless and the almighty dollar reigns supreme.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Old School

I like Hedley’s new song Old School:

Don’t you hate it when young kids will say back in the day? I was in Surrey Central a while ago and this young kid comes up to me and says, yo I remember back in the day… and I’m like what are you on about? Back in the day you weren’t born yet. You gotta be old to be old school and you ain’t old. Hedley’s song is just talking about meeting an old friend by their old school.

A Beautiful Day

Today was another beautiful day: http://finiansworld.blogspot.com/2008/09/hollyburn-ridge.html

I was just going to climb Dam Mountain because I was short on time but since it was such a beautiful day I went on to Goat Ridge.

Today was one of those days I didn’t want to come back down. I have a friend who said to me once after talking about some of the hikes and snowshoe climbs I’ve been on lately "You do have to come back down you know." That had never really been a problem. I like the short day hikes, get a great view then back to the grind of the real world.


However, today I really didn’t want to come down. After enjoying the silence of the trail for a while I hit the peak on Goat Ridge and heard and saw a few hikers relaxing as they were talking and soaking up the sun. Now that’s what I’m talking about. I found a quiet spot and did just that: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=Px33rg0DT-w&feature=related

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Star Wars

We’ve already talked about how Hitler used faked military attacks to rise to power and rationalize going to war similar to the evil emperor in the Star Wars saga: http://finiansworld.blogspot.com/2008/09/history-of-faked-military-attacks.html and how that compares to the CIA's Operation Northwoods: http://finiansworld.blogspot.com/2008/09/operation-northwood.html
In Star Wars, Chancellor Palpatine was originally a senator from Naboo who was involved with a military invasion of his own planet to gain sympathy in the senate to be elected Chancellor to repel the invasion.

Once he became Chancellor he used increased violence as an excuse for the senate to give him the powers of a dictator to deal with the violence on an emergency basis. They even tricked Jar Jar Binks to make the motion. Once he was given the powers of a dictator the evil emperor was finally revealed and he ordered the extermination of all the Jedi.

Clearly the Star Wars saga had hidden parallels to that of Hitler’s rise to power. The term Storm Troopers was what Hitler called his private army. Sad how history tends to repeat itself until we learn from it.

No Bravery

Speaking of Sarajevo:

James Blunt No Bravery:

While Bush prepares to invade Iran as he presses forward in his wars of deception we must ask ourselves where was Bush in Rwanda: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=CaHAXnOGj9k

Why are they so concerned about Iran and not Darfur:

Where is Canada in Darfur?
Too busy blocking the UN resolution to ban asbestos?

Friday, September 26, 2008

Trans Siberian Orchestra

The Trans Siberian Orchestra is coming to town. I always thought they were from Russia. Turns out the Vancouver strings section are from Vancouver and the orchestra is Canadian and American.
I like their Christmas Eve in Sarajevo:

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Libertas and the EU

Libertas is a new political party in the EU that have risen up to oppose the Lisbon Treaty in support of democracy and accountability in Europe: http://www.libertas.org/

Remarks by Declan Ganley in Paris: http://www.libertas.org/content/view/313/1/

Ireland and the European Union:

Irish Proclamation

Speaking of constitutions that entrench human rights as opposed to manifestos that over ride them, I submit the Irish Proclamation of Independence: http://iol.ie/~dluby/proclaim.htm

When speaking on all the corruption in the drugs for guns CIA and the criminal false flag program in the CIA’s Operation Northwoods, I conclude that defending the constitution remains paramount. The constitution is the framework to preserve a democratic society. Within that framework individuals can elect to implement social values if they so chose.

However, the United States is not the only country with a constitution. Canada has the Charter of Rights but it isn’t as powerful as the constitution because it’s just a charter although the jurisprudence entrenching those rights has been well established.

England has the Magna Carta which the Nobles asserted for them but Ireland has the Proclamation. It was given birth at the Easter Uprising where seven noble men sealed their signatures on that document with their blood.

It was modeled after the U.S. Declaration of Independence but goes one step further. Aside from being more politically correct since the U.S. constitution states all men are created equal the Irish Proclamation guarantees those rights to all of it’s citizens, men and woman.

It states that the Republic guarantees religious and civil liberty equal rights and equal opportunities to all its citizens, and declares its resolve to pursue the happiness and prosperity of the whole nation and all of its parts. This is the crucial balance between individual rights and collective rights. Signed by James Connolly so it was.

James Connolly was a Scottish volunteer who came to Ireland to help with their struggle. Kinda like Saint Paddy did except he was a we bit more like Che Guevara. For the record, Che was born in Argentina and was of Irish descent so he was. This is what Che’s father had to say about his son:

"The first thing to note is that in my son's veins flowed the blood of the Irish rebels, the Spanish conquistadors and the Argentinean patriots. Evidently Che inherited some of the features of our restless ancestors. There was something in his nature which drew him to distant wanderings, dangerous adventures and new ideas." Ernesto Guevara Lynch, Che's Father

Likewise, I’m told James Connolly was a Marxist. When I was in Belfast many years ago, a good friend who use used to smuggle rocket launchers past the British Army in her baby carriage gave me a James Connolly pin. I thanked her and asked who he was. She smiled and with a twinkle in her eye said he was a rebel. He was a Communist.

So he was and he stood should to shoulder with six other noble men to sign his name to a document that entrenched human rights and guaranteed civil and religious freedom promoting the well being of the nation as a whole as well as all of it’s parts. To this end I submit the Irish Proclamation and leave with you the final pledge of the Proclamation:

"We place the cause of the Irish Republic under the protection of the Most High God. Whose blessing we invoke upon our arms, and we pray that no one who serves that cause will dishonour it by cowardice, in humanity, or rapine."

Faked Military Attacks – Russia

Operation Northwoods was outrageous but I want to be clear. The Americans are not the only ones who have used this tactic. The Russians did as well against Chechnya: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/army-deserter-tells-of-faking-chechen-attack-on-russian-outpost-665525.html

It’s just that selling arms for drugs and planing fake military attacks comes as a shock when we hear it being done by the US. Normally we associate that kind of thing with the Communist extremists. I say extremists because in every organization of human beings there are extremists.

Personally I do not see the propaganda war as a choice between two extremes: hardline Communism or hardline Capitalism. Hardline Communism is just as bad if not worse. Human rights do not exist. Period.

Yet many Communists having a social conscience and a drive for democracy, aspire to something higher. I contend and submit that aspiration is found within the framework of a constitution entrenching human rights not a manifesto that abolishes them.

Nevertheless they say truth is the first casualty of war. This CIA spin doctor was in charge of Central America when all the alleged CIA drug smuggling was going on:

He claims there never has been a conspiracy in America. Wrong. He says, "You don’t believe that conspiracy bullshit do you?" Actually yes I do and it’s not a conspiracy, it’s corruption.

Corruption exists everywhere you go. Nowhere is exempt. Some say the day will come when the US Constitution will hang by a thread. I submit that by preserving and defending the Constitution we have the framework of success in rooting out the corruption from among us
. Don't throw out the baby with the bath water.

Defend the constitution. Don’t defend corruption.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Contra Band

Drugs for guns. Iran Contra:

Nicaragua contra:

US Military Distribution Points For Cocaine:

Can you see the pattern? Drugs for guns. The saga never stopped.

Venezuela National Guard:

In November 1993, Judge Robert C. Bonner, the former head of the DEA, appeared on 60 Minutes and alleged that the CIA had permitted literally a ton of cocaine to enter the United States: http://www.csun.edu/coms/ben/news/cia/ven/60m.html

Oh right, Judge Bonner is just another nutbar right?

Venezuelan General Indicted in C.I.A. Scheme: http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9B03E7D9143DF930A15752C1A960958260

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

More CIA Drugs

Since journalist Gary Webb’s articles and book Dark Alliance came out, establishing the connection between the CIA and crack cocaine, other key witnesses have collaborated the story.

Former LAPD narcotics officer Michael Ruppert testified that the LAPD has been selling drugs for a long time and working with the CIA to do it.

Former DEA Agent Cele Castillo confirmed the CIA drug smuggling operation at Ilopango Air force Base in El Salvador.

Drugs for weapons is nothing new. That is what the documented Iran Contra affair was all about. Oliver North was the famous fall guy for that Operation.

Crashed Jet Carrying Cocaine Linked to CIA: http://www.dissidentvoice.org/2008/09/crashed-jet-carrying-cocaine-linked-to-cia
CIA Torture Jet wrecks with 4 Tons of COCAINE: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2007/12/12/19210/608/933/420107

Drug corruption knows no political boundries: http://impiousdigest.com/index.php?Itemid=1&id=16&option=com_content&task=view


Operation Amadeus: http://www.motherjones.com/commentary/columns/1998/06/cia_side.html

Operation Pegasus: http://www.scribd.com/doc/504761/The-Pegasus-Fileex-CIA-deep-cover-agent-Tatum-interviewed

Operation Watchtower - Affidavit of Edward P. Cutolo: http://www.wethepeople.la/cutolo.htm

The list goes on: http://www.wethepeople.la/drugs1.htm

And on: http://www.serendipity.li/cia.html#cia_drug_trafficking

CIA caught red handed in Miami. Said it was a mistake: http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9B03E7D9143DF930A15752C1A960958260

CIA Lawsuit: http://www.stewwebb.com/Legal%20Lawsuit%20Alleges%20FEMA%20Funded%20by%20Laundered%20Drug%20Profits.html

Bill Tyree: http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/archive.cgi/noframes/read/4481

Chip Tatum: http://www.voxfux.com/features/cia_bush_drug_trafficking_murder_pt1.html

Robert Gates: http://www.jonesreport.com/articles/101106_gates_trojan.html

The Missing Link

Scarlet O'hara is the Dark Knight. Rage against the darkness of the knight. Rage, rage against the dark knight:

Clearly MI6 is the missing link. Allegations of MI6 being involved in the drug trade along with substituted allegations of the CIA being involved in the drug trade set the stage:

Then comes all the evidence that MI6 planted evidence against Iraq before the U.S. invasion:




You can see where I’m going with this but don’t believe me, believe the facts. They speak for themselves. Question: If the CIA dealt drugs and the MI6 did as well and the CIA endorsed operation Northwoods, did, would or could MI6 endorse something similar in the UK as well?


Witness claims the bomb in London was under the train not left in a bag on the train. That means it was planted in advance: http://www.rense.com/general67/camb.htm

God save the Queen and God help the people.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Bourne Supremacy

MI6 is the James Bond world of British Secret Service. From what little I know, I would compare MI5 to the FBI and MI6 to the CIA. From my understanding MI6 outranks MI5 and likewise releases classified information on a need to know basis: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MI6

James Casbolt claims he used to work for MI6 Black Ops: http://www.jamescasbolt.com/

He claims that the MI6 are involved with the drug trade: http://www.jamescasbolt.com/articles/mi6.html

He names former CIA Director George Bush Sr as a mayor player in this area and cites Gary Webb’s book Dark Alliance: http://www.amazon.com/Dark-Alliance-Contras-Cocaine-Explosion/dp/1888363681

OK James appears to be a complete wacko with an extreme obsession with UFO’s like Mel Gibson in the movie Conspiracy Theory: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNEWx_X_PB0

But James does cite Gary Webb and the Garry Webb case does seem very credible indeed. After his book came out, Gary Webb was found dead with two gunshot wounds to the back of his head with a revolver. The case was declared a 'suicide'. A suicide with two gunshot wounds to the head. Which theory is more crazy: http://www.democracynow.org/2004/12/13/investigative_reporter_gary_webb_who_linked

This is Gary Webb’s series of articles that was published in the San Jose Mercury News: http://www.narconews.com/darkalliance/drugs/start.htm

Nevertheless, it has been reported that the CIA / Contra / Crack connection was established even before Gary Webb: http://www.motherjones.com/news/special_reports/total_coverage/coke.html

Crack the CIA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CHG8ZGV96s

Dateline investigates the story after the original paper caves in and backs off the story: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYmB9g8G0ss&NR=1

Like Operation Northwood in Cuba, the CIA embraced the end justifies the means tactic in Nicaragua’s struggle against Communism. Selling drugs to fund the rebellion. That is exactly what the Communist rebels did. One is no better than the other as they both embraced the end justifies the means, which is flawed and unconstitutional.

Yes this is all sounding like a Hollywood Bourne Supremacy movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cD-uQreIwEk

However, the CIA do exist. Operation Northwood was real. Kennedy did oppose Operation Northwood and did removed the CIA Director and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for their
endorsement of it. Kennedy was killed.

The report on the assassination of Kennedy was as fraudulent as the 911 Commission report. Kennedy was shot from the front not the rear. His bodyguards were ordered to pull back right before he was shot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFpPjjKdUds

There’s a reason I have cited MI6 and included them in my criticisms of the CIA. There are two separate events where the conspiracy culminates. They are so outrageous and offensive that it is either a treasonous lie or a treasonous act. I lean to the latter and for that reason it scares me and outrages me.

My point is that if the CIA is corrupt, which I believe it is, and if MI6 is indirectly connected to the CIA, then one would assume there would be some corruption in MI6 as well.

Personally I don’t give a rats ass about UFO’s or all the many other conspiracy theories out there. Life is too short to worry if the sky will fall every morning. However, the 911 event did occur and there was a bombing in London where innocent people died. Those events do concern me greatly. Nevertheless, before we reach the two culminating events we need to illustrate more examples of faked military attacks.

Operation Northwoods

Operation Mongoose in Cuba was a CIA led campaign to overthrow Castro: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban_Project It was mostly legitimate as Cuba did pose a direct threat to the United States during the Missile Crisis. However, Operation Mongoose revealed the CIA’s connection to the Mafia in a end justifies the means bid to accomplish the task at hand.

The CIA’s subsequent Operation Northwoods' false flag campaigns were just plain dirty and opened Pandora’s box to a new world order of deception. The plan called for CIA or other operatives to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Castro led Cuba:

The proposal was submitted by senior U.S. Department of defense leaders, including the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Lyman Louis Lemnitzer. It was reported that President John F. Kennedy rejected the proposal and that General Lyman Lemnitzer was removed as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff shortly thereafter. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pm431GpFNsI&feature=related

In 1975 President Ford appointed Lemnitzer to investigate the allegations that the CIA had committed acts that violated American laws and allegations that E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis were involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Referred to as the Commission on CIA Activities within the United States (aka the Rockefeller Commission) Kinda ironic they would chose a wacko extremist like him to investigate the allegation he had a motive for being involved in: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyman_Lemnitzer

Allen Dulles was fired as CIA Director by President Kennedy because of the fiasco of the Bay of Pigs. Yet Allen Dulles was appointed by Lyndon Johnson to serve on the Warren Commission to "investigate" JFK's death in 1963.

Confession of Howard Hunt: http://www.maryferrell.org/wiki/index.php/Confession_of_Howard_Hunt

George Bush Sr was Director of Central Intelligence and head of the Central Intelligence Agency from 30 January 1976 to 20 January 1977. George Bush Jr vetoed the bill that would ban CIA torture of prisoners. Although I believe the FBI is noble and just, I personally believe the CIA is just plain dirty and the CIA outranks the FBI: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFpPjjKdUds

ABC report May 1 2001: http://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=92662 Four months later all the records were destored in Tower 7 by what clearly appeared to be a controlled demolition.

Conspiracy Theories

How deep does the conspiracy go? A friend said to me that the conspiracy theories fail because for the conspiracy to be true too many people need to be in on it and that many people just can’t keep a secret.

To some extent that is true but I disagree with many debunkers who sarcastically cite a list of every agency under the sun who would have had to be in on the conspiracy for it to have been real.

Personally I think you only need one agency to be involved, the CIA acting under the direction of the Pentagon: http://sianews.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1869

The other groups could have benefited from it but didn’t necessarily have to have been in on it as the CIA gives out classified information on a need to know basis. Even the president is kept in the dark on some issues so he can keep his hands clean. I.E. Reagan and the Iran Contra affair.

I think it’s pretty obvious the NYPD and the NYFD were not involved. However, the FBI could have been in on it on a limited need to know basis. I.E. They were likely told about the third Tower so they could evacuate it but they were not told about the Twin Towers until after some of the bombs started going off long after a plane hit each tower.

Giving them the benefit of doubt that the first tower was in fact hit by a plane not a missile like the Pentagon seemingly was. Rumsfeld slipped about the missile and planes but official propaganda spin-doctor later claimed Rumsfeld said "as" missile(s) not "and the missile" which would indeed change the quote completely.

"Here we're talking about plastic knives and using an American Airlines flight filed with our citizens, and the missile to damage this building and similar (inaudible) that damaged the World Trade Center."

Kind of like how they changed Silverstein’s quote about "Pulling" tower seven to mean they pulled the fire department out. Very suspicious indeed since the fire department was ordered out long before.

Yes I do think Silverstein was in on it. Why else would he buy a 99 year lease on the Twin Towers right after the Port Authority lost the court case to have the insurance companies pay for the asbestos removal from the Towers. Why would a shrewd businessman pay full value for the Twin Towers knowing they were full of asbestos and needed extensive repairs?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

U.S. Election Fraud

Once again this is old news but it’s new to me. After watching the movie Loose Change and after diving in to some of the 911 inconsistencies, I finally had a peak at the first clip of Fahrenheit 911 on Youtube. Starts off with the election irregularities in Florida 2000: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbgCttq8L_8

Interesting to note Bush’s quote sitting beside his brother, the Governor of Florida, on the plane: "Ya know something we are gonna win Florida mark my word. You can write it down."

Then have a peak at the congressional hearing over the election fraud in Florida 2000. A computer
programmer named Clinton Curtis testified he gave Congressman Tom Feeney (Speaker of the House of Florida at the time) the software to fix the election: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEzY2tnwExs

Interesting to note the election irregularities in Ohio in 2004: http://www.rollingstone.com/news/story/10432334/was_the_2004_election_stolen

As well as in Florida 2004: http://www.commondreams.org/views05/0813-29.htm

Wasn’t the American Dream something about democracy? Never mind Hussein. We hanged the wrong person.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Asbestos in the WTC

Did you know that asbestos was a major material used in the construction of the World Trade Center: http://www.asbestos.com/world-trade-center/asbestos.php

Did you know that the dust from the asbestos in the Towers was an added hazard for the clean up crew after the towers collapsed: http://www.nycosh.org/environment_wtc/WTC_cleanup_testimony.html

Did you know that on May 14 2001 The Port Authority lost their insurance court case requiring insurance companies to cover the cost of asbestos removal in the WTC: http://www.allbusiness.com/legal/trial-procedure-judges/9160294-1.html

Then on July 24 2001 Larry A. Silverstein, who already owned World Trade Center 7, signs a 3.2 billion dollar, 99-year lease on the entire World Trade Center complex, six weeks before 9-11 2001. Included in the lease is a 3.5 billion dollar insurance policy specifically covering acts of terrorism. Insuring the WTC against acts of terrorism is not in itself a conspiracy since the WTC was bombed in 1993. However, the timing is very suspicious. Especially when he and the Port Authority sue the insurance companies claming that two planes constitute two terrorist attacks and they win. So the Port Authority lost on May 14 2001 but won after 911. Yes I do find that suspicious.

Canada Exports Asbestos

I came across a blog the other day about Canada exporting asbestos to India. No way I thought. Asbestos is toxic. It’s a banned substance. There’s no way Canada would export it to India not to mention obstruct a UN Convention on asbestos: http://banasbestosindia.blogspot.com/2008/08/canada-obstructing-un-convention-over.html

Sure enough, according to the Washington Post in 1999 Canada was the world's largest exporter of asbestos and continues to lobby it continue: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A61372-2004Nov18.html

This is shameful. Since this is an election year and since there is much talk about the environment, let’s find out how the candidates feel about exporting Asbestos:



Hollyburn Ridge

That was much better. Hollyburn Ridge is one of my four favorite hikes in the Lower Mainland. Hollyburn Ridge and Mount Strachan on Cypress and Dam Mountain and Goat Mountain on Grouse. The Lions and Coliseum Mountain are great but they’re just a bit too long. A 3 hour hike is just right. 9 to 10 hours is just plain long.

So Carpe Diem – Seize the Day. In spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the moment it's still a beautiful day so it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omFdpnSu57U

I'm still a little bit bitter so I am. I'm just not ready to make nice so I'm not: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwc5YSAc-7g

But that’s OK. Life goes on so it does. Life goes on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W69SSLfRJho

Faked Military Attacks - Hitler

The movie Loose Change 911 second edition starts off with CIA documents listing faked terrorist attacks with Cuba: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E3oIbO0AWE

Before we dive into the United States history of faked military attacks lets looks outside the U.S. to see the pattern. Let’s start with Adolf Hitler. After becoming Chancellor Hitler staged a fake attack on the German Parliament, the Reichstag building. This enabled Hitler to seize power under the pretext of protecting the nation from threats to its security: http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/timeline/reichstag.htm

Chancellor to Dictator based on a fake attack? Sounds like Star wars doesn’t it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cp069Y_P-9M

So historically, Hitler used a faked military attack to seize control over the republic and become a dictator. He then staged another faked military attack to start the second world war. He had the SS develop a phony incident that would appear as if Polish soldiers attacked a German radio station: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/694815/hitlers_fake_attack_on_germany_that.html

Speaking of Hitler, let’s take a peak at George Bush’s grandfather’s involvement with Nazi Germany. Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2004/sep/25/usa.secondworldwar

On Oct. 20, 1942, the U.S. government ordered the seizure of Nazi German banking operations in New York City which were being conducted by Prescott Bush: http://www.tarpley.net/bush2.htm This was done under the Trading with the Enemy Act: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,100474,00.html

Ok tangent but we will come back to that. What we have established thus far is that Hitler used faked military attacks to seize political power and to start a war and the Bush family was financially involved with Nazi Germany: http://www.rense.com/general42/bshnazi.htm

Friday, September 12, 2008

Loose Change 911

Before we begin an honest examination of the events surrounding 911 we have to realize the obvious. There are extremists on both sides of the issue. Some conspiracy nuts are dead set against all war and everything that America stands for. Period. Likewise most debunkers are equally bonkers as their cult like devotion to falsehood in the name of the greater good is insane.

Denying the holocaust is stupid and offensive. Stupid because the holocaust is a historical fact as history and the museums in Germany attest. Offensive because it minimizes the atrocity. Credibility is lost when those denying the holocaust are the same anti Semitic extremists that would repeat it if given the opportunity. Likewise denying 911 happened is stupid and offensive.

The valid questions arise when we first examine the smoking gun of 911 that is the fall of the third tower in New York. The building that collapsed due to fire when no planes hit it. The building that contained all the records of the CIA, Military, Wall Street and Secret Service that Donald Rumsfeld said the day before were corrupt.

Since there is great suspicion around the fall of the third tower and that it clearly looked like a controlled demolition and since explosions were heard going off throughout the day one has to ask what Larry Silverstein meant when he admitted on news that they made the decision to Pull the building and the building collapsed. Perhaps he knows why the BBC reported the collapse of the third Tower before it happened.

Personally I do not believe a plane hit the Pentagon. Their video is rather silly and the fact that absolutely no plane wreckage was found is very suspicious. The question remains, if they faked the attack on the Pentagon and the third tower fell as the result of a controlled demolition, why did they do it and what else did they lie about.

This brings us to the movie Loose Change 911. I haven’t even seen Fahrenheit 911 but I did find the movie Loose Change very interesting. The First Cut starts off with old CIA documents listing the CIA practice of faked terrorist attacks in Cuba: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E3oIbO0AWE

To my surprise, this practice is nothing new. However, before we continue our examination of the events surrounding 911, download and watch Loose Change 911. Let’s make that a starting point for the journey: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaX9h-xRibk

Thursday, September 11, 2008

911 Seventh Anniversary

Seven years ago today the horrifying destruction of the twin towers in New York City occurred and many lives were lost. Notwithstanding all the indiscrepancies in the reports and the conspiracy theories that abound, one thing is clear. Many innocent people died. That was a complete tragedy.

Hearing a 911 call, seeing people trapped by the fire jump from the building, watching the towers fall with many people trapped inside begs a solemn time of reflection and mourning. Indeed a call for a moment of silence.

A bus load of activists from Vancouver drove across Canada to meet and speak with the public as they prepared to go to Ottawa. Today they march on Ottawa. At first glance some may sluff the group off as extremists chanting 911 was an inside job. The very thought is absurd.

However, take a look at the Third Tower. The third tower falling when no planes hit it is the smoking gun as is the strange inconsistencies with the attack on the Pentagon that day. When you look at the fall of the Third Tower and what it contained you can clearly see something is wrong. Something doesn’t make sense.

Indeed we need to find the truth behind 911.



Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Pentagon’s Pentagram

Who turned the pentagon upside down? Today is the seventh anniversary of Donald Rumsfeld’s startling press conference stating that the enemy is within – the Pentagon’s bureaucracy. He stated that the U.S. Military cannot account for 25% of what it spends and that the military is missing $2.3 trillion. The next day, the building that contained all those records, tower seven, was destroyed in what clearly appeared to be a controlled demolition:




Interesting to note that when you connect the dots within a pentagon you find a pentagram. Now I am told that the pentagram isn’t just for satan worship. I am told that ritual magicians calling upon the four archangels make the sign of the pentagram as a sign of protection from evil similar to the way people make the sign of the cross in a horror movie. It’s also called the Qabalistic Cross. Interesting to note that the satanic pentagram is upside down to symbolize a goat or rams head as shown on the tarot card for the devil.

So is the U.S. Pentagon a symbol of protection and justice or is it a symbol of secret devotion to evil. Until recently I would have boldly declared the former. Now I’m not so sure. Aside from the controversy of the 911 attack on the pentagon:



Let’s simply look at the financial business of being at war.

Ever see the movie Lord of War? Well selling guns, bullets, and arms is big business. There is a huge amount of money to be had. Wasn’t the movie Lord of War based on a true story? In the end didn’t the CIA prevent him from being convicted? Interesting indeed.



Aside from Donald Rumsfeld’s startling announcement about not being able to account for 25% of what it spends and being missing $2.3 trillion back in 2001, let’s look at today’s financial headlines for the pentagon:

Pentagon seeks $7B missile sale to UAE (United Arab Emirates):

Five Stealth Pentagon Contractors Reaping Billions of Tax Dollars: http://www.tomdispatch.com/post/174948

$152 Billion a Year Goes Unaudited: http://blog.wired.com/defense/2008/05/the-pentagons-i.html

The Washington Post reports that the Pentagon over spent their budget by $295 billion and their annual budget is now measured in the trillions. I am the first one to recognize that a jet fighter is obscenely expensive. I am also the first one to recognize that is big money and big business. Wherever there is that much money, corruption will be drawn to it like a magnet.


So on this the seventh anniversary of Donald Rumsfield’s startling press conference let’s take a look at this enemy from within and find out who turned the Pentagon upside down to profit from the business of war: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfL2-yhaM8o

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Jack Layton

Jack Layton is just another politician. His attack adds are similar to those of the Liberals and Conservatives. My concern is what each party’s stand is on excessive privatization and the North American Union.

The NDP seems to be the only party that is also concerned about these two issues. The obsession with privatization is not in the public’s best interest. It is in the large Corporation’s best interest where money and profit (for them) reigns supreme and public accountability is a nonexistent encumbrance.

The politicians mock the conspiracy theory rumors surrounding the North American Union but TILMA is already in place and Harper is meeting with Bush and Fox. These behind closed door deals that over ride the Charter of Rights are bad. Very bad. Trade agreements are fine but signing an agreement that makes it illegal for any level of governement to create a law that would inhibit a corporation’s ability to make a profit it insane.

Laws that protect the environment or public interest become void. Democracy is trampled over as the new beast, corporate greed, reigns supreme as transparency and public accountability are strategically removed all in the name of business. Bad business.

The Liberals have proven to be bad with money and incur massive debt. The Conservatives have talked the talk about balanced budgets but their pork barrel politics have proven to be just as fiscally irresponsible. What more damage could the NDP do? Aside from legalizing prostitution and every illicit drug under the sun. That is clearly extremism on the other end of the spectrum. Pot and crack are different. Legalizing crack is ridiculous. Legalizing prostitution may be well meaning but I do not believe it will reduce violence against women. It will just get worse.

Personally, I think a minority governement where the Conservatives team up with the NDP and the Block on common ground and not proceed on areas of disagreement will best serve the public interest.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Stéphane Dion

Stéphane Dion is a scoundrel. He sends out a flyer in the mail boldly declaring that Steven Harper is wrong on Crime. Boldly declaring that he and the Liberal Party will finally be tough on crime. (Weren’t they the ones that created the judicial mess we are now in)

Anyways, he sends out this election flyer saying the Harper government is wrong on crime and uses the surge in public outrage over the Canadian Judicial system as an election platform. Then when the Harper government actually walks the walk and submits anti crime legislation the Liberals throw a childish temper tantrum and walk out without voting on the legislation.

Talk about childish political opportunism. Why don’t political parties ever do what’s best for Canada? Why do they always do what’s best to promote their party? It’s a shame.

I liked Trudeau. He was respected and did a good job with the Charter of Rights. I was pretty young at the time and don’t know much about what else he did. Except when he came to B.C. and fingered some hecklers here. We liked that. It’s wasn’t a George Bush f the world kind of thing. It was a simple assertive I am what I am kind of thing. I am told that the downside of the Trudeau government was the beginning of outrageous national debt.

I liked Jean Cretchien too. I thought he was a good guy. Unfortunately he was Trudeau’s finance minister so he too was responsible for massive Canadian debt. His involvement in the sponsorship scandal and his response "Sponsorship is good" was a prime example of why it was time for us to move on.

Paul Martin denying any role in the sponsorship scandal when he was finance minister was simply not believable. The federal Liberals have proven to be very bad with money and very corrupt dripping with scandals: http://www.primetimecrime.com/Recent/Investigative/Sponsorship%20Scandal.htm


Not to mention Alfonso Gagliano’s involvement in the sponsorship scandal as well his secret criminal record and the New York Times claim that a FBI report fingered him to be a made member of the Mafia in Montreal: http://westernstandard.blogs.com/shotgun/2006/01/gaglianos_crimi.html

Donna Cadman

Donna Cadman is a wonderful person. Her husband was a hero. He was one of the few politicians that was loved and respected. When he died of cancer many in this area turned their reelect Chuck Cadman signs into Rest in Peace signs.

The scandal that the Tories tried to bribe Chuck Cadman is believable and consistent with the way the Tories and the Liberals do business. Penny Priddy did raise an interesting point. If Chuck Cadman was outraged with the Tory bribe then why did Donna Cadman agree to run as a candidate for the Tories?


Sure enough the election is under way and today I saw them putting up election signs for Donna Cadman and sure enough it was for the Tories. Like I said, Donna Cadman is a wonderful person and Chuck Cadman is a hero. Personally I think it would have been better if Donna Cadman ran as an independent this election. Going back to the Tories after the scandal came out is strange.

Steven Harper

Steven Harper is scary. I remember seeing a political cartoon of Steven Harper with the caption "What do you mean scary?" The guy never smiled. He just looked scary. Now that he is on the campaign trail again they have trained him to smile but to me it still looks scary.

What’s scary is his return to Mulroneyism. Libby Davies predicted the Tories will begin their vote buying immediately as sure enough. No sooner had those words left her mouth they suddenly were fulfilled. He’s handing out cash and buying votes left right and centre. That is not Reform that is Mulroneyism.

The Reform party gained popularity in the West because they were different than the Tories. They pledged to end pork barrel politics. They strove to balance the budget to save social programs not abolish them. Ontario saw them as a separatist group and wouldn’t buy in so they compromised their values and merged with the Tories and came full circle again.

The Tories are not as bad as the Liberals when it comes to being used car salesmen on the campaign trail but they are close. Vote for us we are good good good. Don’t vote for them they are bad bad bad.

There is talk about a minority government not being able to govern. That is nonsense. We don’t want to give any of these extremists a blanch check to do what ever they want in a majority government. Minority governments are good. It means they can’t steam roll ahead with their own agenda and ignore everyone else. It means they have to listen to debate and find common ground.

In a majority government debate is just a show. They let the other party speak but they have no regard for anything they say because they will simply out vote them when the question is called.

The Harper Government wants to reform the judicial system. This is needed. They will be able to get support from the NDP on this but they will have to listen to proposed amendments so they don’t go to the extreme and pose minimum sentences for the possession of marijuana when we were crying out for minimum sentences for violent and gun related crime.

My concern about the Harper government is their idolization of George Bush, their behind closed doors support for TILMA and the North American Union as well as their assisting the cover up in the 911 inconsistencies. My concern is their drive for extreme privatization and their commitment to affordable public health care. Those are all valid concerns that need to be addressed.

Privatized Prisons

This is another example of American extremism. Why on earth would you want a prison mandated to make a profit? Where does it stop? A private police force? No public services that are accountable to the public? How can you maintain public accountability if you privatize everything?






Privatizing everything has not helped the American economy:

Dee Henderson

This is an example of American extremism. Dee Henderson was in a car accident and suffered from migraines. Her private insurance company said she had to apply for social security before they would approve her claim, which she did. All private insurance companies want to avoid paying claims since they are mandated to make a profit.

Dee was eventually approved for social security. She did not say she could not work. She said she couldn’t maintain gainful employment because her migraines were sporadic which made her attendance unreliable. Years later she ends up winning a beauty contest.

Insurance scalpers follow her around and see her wave to the crowd in a beauty contest and deem her fit for employment and deny her claim. She was also seen in a bathing suit at the beach wading in ankle deep water with her children. Hardly vigorous physical activity.

Nevertheless, Dee Henderson was not only cut off disability, she was thrown in jail for committing fraud. What? I’m serious. She had a little girl in tears as a good mother was being torn from the home, again.

I say this is extreme. If the private insurance company’s witch doctors deemed her fit for employment then they should simply have cut her off disability benefits. Throwing her in jail for fraud was extreme.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Carol James

Carol James is a breath of fresh air. She is smart and compassionate. She wants to restore dignity to British Columbia. Something we lost when we closed down Riverview and put all the mentally challenged onto the street. Something we lost when we slashed programs for the elderly. Something we lost when we stopped creating social housing.

Balance is a fundamental principle. Gordon Campbell lost the balance and was over come with heartless greed. Getting rich by exploiting the disadvantaged is nothing to be proud of. The massive MP pay raises after such ruthless cuts were bizarre extremism.

Bragging about a surplus budget then raising gas tax was insanity. Raising the gas tax raises the cost of everything we buy in stores. The goods we buy get transported there on trucks. The price of gas affects the price of everything we buy.

Carol James wants to restore dignity to British Columbia and she wants to restore balance. That is the key. Shun extremism while promoting balance and common sense: http://www.cbc.ca/bcvotes2005/parties/carole_james.html

Think outside the box. The B.C. Liberals are doing nothing for judicial reform. The B.C. NDP are stepping up to the plate: