Sunday, September 7, 2008

Dee Henderson

This is an example of American extremism. Dee Henderson was in a car accident and suffered from migraines. Her private insurance company said she had to apply for social security before they would approve her claim, which she did. All private insurance companies want to avoid paying claims since they are mandated to make a profit.

Dee was eventually approved for social security. She did not say she could not work. She said she couldn’t maintain gainful employment because her migraines were sporadic which made her attendance unreliable. Years later she ends up winning a beauty contest.

Insurance scalpers follow her around and see her wave to the crowd in a beauty contest and deem her fit for employment and deny her claim. She was also seen in a bathing suit at the beach wading in ankle deep water with her children. Hardly vigorous physical activity.

Nevertheless, Dee Henderson was not only cut off disability, she was thrown in jail for committing fraud. What? I’m serious. She had a little girl in tears as a good mother was being torn from the home, again.

I say this is extreme. If the private insurance company’s witch doctors deemed her fit for employment then they should simply have cut her off disability benefits. Throwing her in jail for fraud was extreme.

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