Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Missing Link

Scarlet O'hara is the Dark Knight. Rage against the darkness of the knight. Rage, rage against the dark knight:

Clearly MI6 is the missing link. Allegations of MI6 being involved in the drug trade along with substituted allegations of the CIA being involved in the drug trade set the stage:

Then comes all the evidence that MI6 planted evidence against Iraq before the U.S. invasion:




You can see where I’m going with this but don’t believe me, believe the facts. They speak for themselves. Question: If the CIA dealt drugs and the MI6 did as well and the CIA endorsed operation Northwoods, did, would or could MI6 endorse something similar in the UK as well?


Witness claims the bomb in London was under the train not left in a bag on the train. That means it was planted in advance: http://www.rense.com/general67/camb.htm

God save the Queen and God help the people.

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