Wednesday, September 3, 2008

McCain me Not

Of all the republican candidates, why on earth did they choose a geriatric with Alzheimer’s? Aside from being very old, Mc Cain’s claim to fame is hugging Bush at every opportunity and spewing unprecedented rhetoric about Iraq: "We’ll stay there 30 years if we have to."

Did someone forget to tell him they were wrong and invaded that country under false pretense since they had no WMD:

Why would you dig your heels in the sand and boldly declare that you refuse to admit you are wrong when you clearly are. That is not noble. It’s just plain silly as are the pictures of him hugging Bush all the time.

Hey did ya hear they only gave Bush 8 minutes to speak at the republican convention by way of satellite and wouldn’t let him speak in person:

That’s probably because McCain gets so flabbergast in Bush’s presence he can’t stop hugging him and drooling all over him. Even the republicans find it embarrassing. What’s embarrassing is picking McCain to be their candidate. Go figure.

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