Thursday, September 25, 2008

Faked Military Attacks – Russia

Operation Northwoods was outrageous but I want to be clear. The Americans are not the only ones who have used this tactic. The Russians did as well against Chechnya:

It’s just that selling arms for drugs and planing fake military attacks comes as a shock when we hear it being done by the US. Normally we associate that kind of thing with the Communist extremists. I say extremists because in every organization of human beings there are extremists.

Personally I do not see the propaganda war as a choice between two extremes: hardline Communism or hardline Capitalism. Hardline Communism is just as bad if not worse. Human rights do not exist. Period.

Yet many Communists having a social conscience and a drive for democracy, aspire to something higher. I contend and submit that aspiration is found within the framework of a constitution entrenching human rights not a manifesto that abolishes them.

Nevertheless they say truth is the first casualty of war. This CIA spin doctor was in charge of Central America when all the alleged CIA drug smuggling was going on:

He claims there never has been a conspiracy in America. Wrong. He says, "You don’t believe that conspiracy bullshit do you?" Actually yes I do and it’s not a conspiracy, it’s corruption.

Corruption exists everywhere you go. Nowhere is exempt. Some say the day will come when the US Constitution will hang by a thread. I submit that by preserving and defending the Constitution we have the framework of success in rooting out the corruption from among us
. Don't throw out the baby with the bath water.

Defend the constitution. Don’t defend corruption.

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