Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Jack Layton

Jack Layton is just another politician. His attack adds are similar to those of the Liberals and Conservatives. My concern is what each party’s stand is on excessive privatization and the North American Union.

The NDP seems to be the only party that is also concerned about these two issues. The obsession with privatization is not in the public’s best interest. It is in the large Corporation’s best interest where money and profit (for them) reigns supreme and public accountability is a nonexistent encumbrance.

The politicians mock the conspiracy theory rumors surrounding the North American Union but TILMA is already in place and Harper is meeting with Bush and Fox. These behind closed door deals that over ride the Charter of Rights are bad. Very bad. Trade agreements are fine but signing an agreement that makes it illegal for any level of governement to create a law that would inhibit a corporation’s ability to make a profit it insane.

Laws that protect the environment or public interest become void. Democracy is trampled over as the new beast, corporate greed, reigns supreme as transparency and public accountability are strategically removed all in the name of business. Bad business.

The Liberals have proven to be bad with money and incur massive debt. The Conservatives have talked the talk about balanced budgets but their pork barrel politics have proven to be just as fiscally irresponsible. What more damage could the NDP do? Aside from legalizing prostitution and every illicit drug under the sun. That is clearly extremism on the other end of the spectrum. Pot and crack are different. Legalizing crack is ridiculous. Legalizing prostitution may be well meaning but I do not believe it will reduce violence against women. It will just get worse.

Personally, I think a minority governement where the Conservatives team up with the NDP and the Block on common ground and not proceed on areas of disagreement will best serve the public interest.

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