Friday, September 12, 2008

Loose Change 911

Before we begin an honest examination of the events surrounding 911 we have to realize the obvious. There are extremists on both sides of the issue. Some conspiracy nuts are dead set against all war and everything that America stands for. Period. Likewise most debunkers are equally bonkers as their cult like devotion to falsehood in the name of the greater good is insane.

Denying the holocaust is stupid and offensive. Stupid because the holocaust is a historical fact as history and the museums in Germany attest. Offensive because it minimizes the atrocity. Credibility is lost when those denying the holocaust are the same anti Semitic extremists that would repeat it if given the opportunity. Likewise denying 911 happened is stupid and offensive.

The valid questions arise when we first examine the smoking gun of 911 that is the fall of the third tower in New York. The building that collapsed due to fire when no planes hit it. The building that contained all the records of the CIA, Military, Wall Street and Secret Service that Donald Rumsfeld said the day before were corrupt.

Since there is great suspicion around the fall of the third tower and that it clearly looked like a controlled demolition and since explosions were heard going off throughout the day one has to ask what Larry Silverstein meant when he admitted on news that they made the decision to Pull the building and the building collapsed. Perhaps he knows why the BBC reported the collapse of the third Tower before it happened.

Personally I do not believe a plane hit the Pentagon. Their video is rather silly and the fact that absolutely no plane wreckage was found is very suspicious. The question remains, if they faked the attack on the Pentagon and the third tower fell as the result of a controlled demolition, why did they do it and what else did they lie about.

This brings us to the movie Loose Change 911. I haven’t even seen Fahrenheit 911 but I did find the movie Loose Change very interesting. The First Cut starts off with old CIA documents listing the CIA practice of faked terrorist attacks in Cuba:

To my surprise, this practice is nothing new. However, before we continue our examination of the events surrounding 911, download and watch Loose Change 911. Let’s make that a starting point for the journey:

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