Tuesday, September 2, 2008

George W. Bullshit

Thank God for the rule you can’t run for president a third term. George W. Bush will no doubt go down in history as the most hated and least respected president ever.

This picture says it all. He’s giving the cameraman the finger when he was a Senator because "Everyone is telling him what to do." George Bush is the kind of guy that should have done more listening and less talking: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=YVynnbx1Xsc

It’s one thing to overcome opposition and stand for a principle. It is quite another thing to stand for a lie(s) and be rude and arrogant about it. Take the invasion of Iraq. They were wrong! There were no weapons of mass destruction. That invasion was based on a lie: http://www.peacecandy.com/gwbush/remindus/

Instead of admitting they were wrong and pull out, they boast about it as the "Success with the war in Iraq." Success?! You were wrong! You lied. You kicked a little country’s ass and you pat yourself on the back when the invasion was based on a lie? That is insane.

The biggest crime of that event was hanging Saddam instead of Bush. The CIA put Saddam in power and the Americans sold Iraq chemical weapons to use on Iran. Even if Iraq did have WMD it would have been a double standard to invade them when it was the Americans that sold the weapons to them in the first place: http://www.bushflash.com/swf/thanks.swf

Now with all the 911 conspiracies Bush boldly declares the questions he refuses to answer are "malicious lies designed to take responsibility away from the terrorists." Here we have a guy we hate, calling a rising public concern over 911 discrepancies malicious lies when we don’t believe a word that comes out of his mouth: http://www.peacecandy.com/gwbush/remindus/

I don’t understand the discrepancies with 911 but I do know that Bush is not trustworthy. He is an arrogant asshole that has stained the American flag and the American reputation in the world. He was a skinny little guy with small man syndrome that sucked billions and billions out of the U.S. economy to foster his ego and lie. http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/N25188728.htm

None of that earned any respect internationally. On the contrary whenever I see a picture of Bush I can’t help but see one of the many expressions people have compared to that of a monkey. Who is the bigger fool? The monkey or the monkey that votes for him? http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=aD3xfT0c99g

Speaking of Dictators, don’t forget Bush Vetoed the bill preventing the CIA from torturing prisoners. That is nothing to be proud of. It opens the CIA up to Stalin’s definition of a terrorist. All of a sudden the good guys have become bad. Very bad. Say hello to the new beast. Same as the old beast. The beast’s name is tyranny. http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/03/10/2185249.htm

Oh and let’s not forget the election fraud in Florida: http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/145.html
Now there’s a democracy to be proud of. Not.

Hey, I didn’t realize that George Bush was a draft dodger: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyFdZqWDn3c

Or that George Bush’s grandfather financed Hitler: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2004/sep/25/usa.secondworldwar

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