Monday, September 29, 2008

Oil Drops in Price

I’m finding it difficult to understand all the financial frenzy that’s going on in the market(s). Bush’s bank bail out plan is defeated in the Senate and the TSE drops, the Dow Jones drops and the price of oil drops.

Yet European stock markets tumbled as Dutch-Belgian banking and insurance operator Fortis NV got an 11.2-billion-euro bailout from the governments of Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.

So even if the bail out passed, giving $700 billion of taxpayers money to the banks might not have done a thing.

I found it strange how Bush didn’t give a rat’s ass about all the families that lost their homes to foreclosure but wanted to save the banks, the richest entities on the planet striving for global domination and let the people starve and go homeless.

All the hype is very suspicious. The stock market is driven by greed, fear and speculation. A Jedi concerns himself not with these things. Since I'm so cynical about the large Oil companies obscene profits and their subsequent lobbying of government officials to rule the world, all I see is that the bail out fails and the price of oil drops. Great. That in itself is not a bad thing. Unless of course you are in a conflict of interest and have money invested in oil like the Bush family.

Many will argue that a weak economy is not good for anyone including workers. I agree but I am still very cynical of bank bail outs when the bad debt is simply paper debts because land has value and although it may drop in price temporally, it will rise again like most stocks do.

The frenzy of the market is the perfect example of how we should trust in things that are not based on greed and speculation. Stocks rise and fall. When they fall it becomes a buyers market and money is there to be made.

Nevertheless, A former Treasury Department official predicted that the administration would try to get another House vote before the end of the week, and with only "tiny tweaks" to the package, given the relative closeness of the vote. Sound familiar?

All hail the new beast and the global domination of the banks and the oil companies. They’ll get their way. The spin doctors will just use this as an excuse to give them more and more until the constitution is meaningless and the almighty dollar reigns supreme.

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