Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Pentagon’s Pentagram

Who turned the pentagon upside down? Today is the seventh anniversary of Donald Rumsfeld’s startling press conference stating that the enemy is within – the Pentagon’s bureaucracy. He stated that the U.S. Military cannot account for 25% of what it spends and that the military is missing $2.3 trillion. The next day, the building that contained all those records, tower seven, was destroyed in what clearly appeared to be a controlled demolition:

Interesting to note that when you connect the dots within a pentagon you find a pentagram. Now I am told that the pentagram isn’t just for satan worship. I am told that ritual magicians calling upon the four archangels make the sign of the pentagram as a sign of protection from evil similar to the way people make the sign of the cross in a horror movie. It’s also called the Qabalistic Cross. Interesting to note that the satanic pentagram is upside down to symbolize a goat or rams head as shown on the tarot card for the devil.

So is the U.S. Pentagon a symbol of protection and justice or is it a symbol of secret devotion to evil. Until recently I would have boldly declared the former. Now I’m not so sure. Aside from the controversy of the 911 attack on the pentagon:[1].Pentagon.Jamie.Mcintyre.swf

Let’s simply look at the financial business of being at war.

Ever see the movie Lord of War? Well selling guns, bullets, and arms is big business. There is a huge amount of money to be had. Wasn’t the movie Lord of War based on a true story? In the end didn’t the CIA prevent him from being convicted? Interesting indeed.

Aside from Donald Rumsfeld’s startling announcement about not being able to account for 25% of what it spends and being missing $2.3 trillion back in 2001, let’s look at today’s financial headlines for the pentagon:

Pentagon seeks $7B missile sale to UAE (United Arab Emirates):

Five Stealth Pentagon Contractors Reaping Billions of Tax Dollars:

$152 Billion a Year Goes Unaudited:

The Washington Post reports that the Pentagon over spent their budget by $295 billion and their annual budget is now measured in the trillions. I am the first one to recognize that a jet fighter is obscenely expensive. I am also the first one to recognize that is big money and big business. Wherever there is that much money, corruption will be drawn to it like a magnet.

So on this the seventh anniversary of Donald Rumsfield’s startling press conference let’s take a look at this enemy from within and find out who turned the Pentagon upside down to profit from the business of war:

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