Friday, September 5, 2008

Abortion's Wish

This is the reason the world was stuck with an idiot for president two times running and why we might get another idiot third time unlucky.

Abortion is a pretty passionate issue. Most people are dead set in their way and debating the issue will not sway one person from one side to the other. As a result many Americans see elections as one issue and vote solely base on the politician’s position on abortion.

Abortion stops a beating heart. That fact is not debatable. Yet intolerance and extremism plague both sides of the debate. Personally I am against abortion. I think abortion on demand as a form of birth control is utter irresponsibility. Tubule pregnancies is a different matter. They are automatically aborted as are any other cases when the life of the mother is threatened.

Abortion after the first trimester is simply archaic. Inducing labour and killing the baby with a saline injection is just plain evil. What’s the difference between that and putting a newborn in a dumpster or leaving your baby to die of exposure on a hill because it was born deformed. In some ways modern man has not evolved at all:

Obviously in cases of incest or rape that is an extenuating circumstance and difficult choices have to be made. Personally I think adoption is the answer to abortion but I don’t have to go through labour nor do I have to face medical expenses in the United States. Surely pro-life activists will also be for affordable medical insurance. Telling someone they can’t have an abortion while you refuse to subsidize medical expense is somewhat counter productive.

Some pro-choice advocates oppose abortion after the first trimester. Many don’t. To me there is a difference although we don’t have to watch the movie of an abortion called the silent scream to realize that at 6 weeks a beating heart has already been formed. 8 weeks the baby looks like a baby.

I had one friend who wanted to have children but couldn’t and really regretted having an abortion when she was young. She said she still had nightmares of pieces of cut up fetus screaming. Wow, I thought. They don’t tell those stories at pro-choice rallies:

Nevertheless, we all make mistakes and forgiveness is always possible. I’m not talking about being forgiven by God. I’m talking about being able to forgive ourselves. Many say how carrying a baby full term then giving it up for adoption is a very hard thing to do. Some mothers who give up their child for adoption latter on have second thoughts and change their mind.

Many children given up for adoption seek out their biological parents and ask them why they were given up for adoption. That would be uncomfortable. As would meeting the baby one aborted and have to answer the question why you didn’t want them but also why you didn’t give them a chance at life so someone else could love them. Feeling that pain would be somewhat uncomfortable.

What’s the saying. An once of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Birth control is the responsible choice for someone who wants to have sexual relations but doesn’t want to have children. Abstinence is wishful thinking. Happy Birthday:

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