Saturday, August 2, 2008

Ireland and the European Union

I had heard that the people of Ireland voted down something with regards to the European Union in a referendum but I wasn’t sure what it involved. Then I find a politician in Dublin named Fianian McGrath who opposed the Lisbon treaty and explained why. With a name like Finian he can’t be all bad so he can’t.

He raises two very significant concerns that affect the future of Ireland's sovereignty and democracy. Perhaps Ireland’s struggle for sovereignty has made her a we bit cautions in just singing it over as a blank cheque. Perhaps general apathy is proof that those who never fought for freedom shall never know the taste of it.

Here was Finian McGrath’s concerns with the Lisbon Treaty:

The five points fell into two categories. One was a concern about mandating each member state to increase their military and the European Arms Industry. His point was why prioritize military and arms spending over education and health care.

The other category was the erosion of democracy. Being a self-amending Treaty which would permit the EU Prime Ministers to shift most of the remaining policy areas where unanimity still exists, to majority voting, without a need for new EU Treaties or referendums was a valid concern. Voting based on population size isn’t necessarily undemocratic but is not much incentive for smaller member states to join the union without being swallowed up and giving up their sovereignty. Bowing down to Rome or bowing down to the EU. What’s the difference?

I still say that the Irish Proclamation of Independence is an inspired document:

Can those rights be guaranteed by the EU constitution? If not, then the whole process is one big red flag to democracy and sovereignty. Some may argue that Ireland has benefited financially from EU money and shouldn’t complain. However, I contend that argument is offensive. Ireland is not a whore. Her sovereignty is not for sale.


Anonymous said...

Everyone can now vote about the EU at Vote YES or NO to Free Europe Constitution.

Finian said...

Thanks for the link. Some individual from Sweden posts a pro EU web site called Free Europe. Somewhat of an ironic title for a pro EU campaign don’t ya think. Last I checked Europe was free. The Berlin wall has finally come down. Giving up their sovereignty in a European Union would not make it free at all.

The web site is a noble quest. The proposals for human rights to be entrenched in the EU constitution are sound. However, this is a private individual saying what he wants. It’s not the EU saying what it will guarantee.

Civil rights for all citizens in Europe. and No taxation power for the EU would be fantastic. However, if the Irish concerns about the Lisbon Treaty are not resolved those two promises are empty and not protected when a self-amending treaty that turns unanimity into majority is implemented.

Voting yes to that wish list does not mean it will happen. It’s just an opinion poll that will be interpreted as support for the Lisbon Treaty. Especially when the "Irish No Virus" as they are called by this web site are appeased by being permitted to run candidates who are opposed to the Lisbon treaty.

What’s wrong with that picture? Wait ‘till I tell ye. One of the concerns with the Lisbon treaty is giving up unanimity for simple majority. Giving them the right to run candidates who are opposed to the Lisbon treaty is giving the EU exactly what it wants. You can vote no but your power of veto is gone once you sign on the dotted line and if we out vote you your sovereignty is in the hands of the new Roman Empire.

Doesn’t the term “Suprerstate” as modeled in the Lisbon treaty raise a red flag for anyone in Europe? The model sounds like something Stalin or Hitler would present. A Superstate mandated to increase military and arms with flattery about human rights but no entrenched guarantees. Somewhat suspicious so it is.