Monday, August 4, 2008

The day before 911

I am not going to jump on the conspiracy bandwagon. I personally think that the implication that the U.S. government demolished the twin towers in New York City is offensive. I personally think that having planes crash into a tower could indeed generate enough stress on the structure to bring it down.

However, there are a few legitimate questions that are left unanswered. The third tower falling long after the event not being hit by any object is one point. The plane running out of fuel before it hit the White House may be ironic, as are the discrepancies with the plane wreckage at the Pentagon.

The documented explosions from inside the twin towers after the planes hit is very suspicious: Yet the biggest event happened the day before and has come and gone unnoticed.

The day before 911 Donald Rumsfeld announced that "The adversary is closer to home. It’s the Pentagon bureaucracy. In fact it could be said that it’s a matter of life and death."

He pointed out that the military’s own auditors admit that the U.S. Military cannot account for 25% of what it already spends. Donald Rumsfeld stated that they could not account for 2.3 trillion dollars in military spending. That was the day before 911.

After 911 the war on terrorism has left the war on waste completely forgotten. In 2003 Bush’s defense budget called for 48 billion in new defense spending. Each year Bush has asked for billions and billions in new Military spending but the fact that the military cannot account for 25% of what it spends has not been mentioned and the quest for the mission 2.3 trillion dollars has been abandoned.

Jesse Ventura has raised several interesting questions about demolition as well. He claims "These two buildings were white elephants. They were losing money. They had asbestos in them and they were being required by law to do over a billion dollars of asbestos removal."

Aside from the conspiracy at hand, my question is, what happened to the missing 2.3 trillion dollars and is 25% of the U.S. military budget still unaccounted for?


Croft said...

I on the other hand embrace most of the Conspiracy Theories. Even as a kid I never did really believe that Humpty Dumpty "fell" off the wall. I knew that "all the King's horses and all the King's men" had a hand in that little accident!

Finian said...

I must admit that after hearing some pretty cold had facts about the third tower I am much more open to looking at the conspiracy. Even the wind tunnel rational doesn’t make sense. If the third tower fell because of the shock wave it wouldn’t have fallen straight down like a demolition. The BBC report is on the fall of the third tower when it still appears in their “live” coverage is very suspicious as well.

Croft said...

The crash site in Pennsylvania is very suspicious as well. The crash left no wreckage, luggage strewn everywhere, bodies or at least pieces of bodies... Just a neat hole in the ground. Compare it to any other crash site in the world and it makes no sense at all.

I sent a suggestion in to MythBusters to find an old steel building about to be demolished and a 767 that was out of service and crash the airplane into the building. The object being to see if it left a perfect, airplane shaped hole in the side or if engines, wings, tail sections and the odd passenger fell off on impact as engineers say would have happened. They answered that they did not accept suggestions dealing with 9/11.

Finian said...

Faking the Pentagon hit isn’t hard for me to believe but the twin towers, the thought is treason. Yet as one person said, the demolition of the third tower in New York is the smoking gun. If they demolished the third tower and they faked the Pentagon hit, then what else?

After examining the demolition of the third tower one has questions about the twin towers. Did they know about the terrorist attack and let it go (and possibly even assist it go with inside explosives which are seen gong off in news clips of the firemen) Surely that is alone treason.

If the fall of the third tower was the result of demolition, then what were those explosions inside the twin towers we saw on the news? If the twin towers were full of asbestos and they were ordered to spend billions to repair it, how can they remove the asbestos without bringing it down? Why did the new owner of the twin towers take out a new huge insurance policy against terrorist attacks right before 911 which was never done before.

This is all treason and it clearly points to the Bush administration, the Pentagon and the CIA. That kind of corruption needs to be addressed.