Friday, July 23, 2010

The future looks bright for Canada Post

Canada Post Board of Directors Appoints Stewart Bacon as Interim President and CEO. Imagine that. Giving the BOD the authority to actually do something. They must be thrilled with the new change in operations now that Moya Greene is gone.

This guy even mentions the word customer service, something that Moya Greene clearly had no regard for. He even mentions a positive work environment implying that he might in some small way actually care for the employees of the said company. Well this certainly is new.

Too bad it's just for the interim. He, unlike Moya, actually has years of experience with the company.

"Like other members of our senior team, I relied to a great degree on Stewart's advice and counsel over the years," says Ms. Greene. "I am so happy to now see this position placed in such capable hands." Why do I find that so hard to believe? Oh that's because she said the public sector managers in the company were stupid.

"My fellow Board members and I are delighted that Stewart has agreed to take on this role at this important time," says Mr. Courtois. "There are very few people who know this company, its goals, people and customers as well as Stewart. That gives us great reassurance that the strategies and plans already set in place under the Board's and Moya Greene's leadership will continue uninterrupted."

Indeed, except it will likely greatly improve since he will likely fill the leadership vacuum that sucked the life out of the company while Moya Greene was there.

I'm a little bit concerned about borrowing billions of dollars for new technology. Not that I oppose technology at all. If it works, great. I just oppose wasting money on bad technology that doesn't work. Yet using public funds implies that the company should remain publicly accountable.

Time will tell but right now the future looks bright.

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