Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Pope says condoms can be justified for male prostitutes

I found this story somewhat bizarre. I will clarify that I have a great deal of respect for members of the Catholic Church and for the office of Pope. Both are clearly trying to make this world a better place.

The Catholic church has always maintained a strict position on no birth control and no divorce. Their position on divorce was what triggered King Henry to start his own church that would allow divorce so he wouldn't have to keep executing his ex's.

The no birth control position does seem a bit extreme. Yet the new declaration seems even stranger. After generations of saying no divorce and no birth control for married couples, the Pope announces that in some cases condoms may be used. Male prostitutes may use them to help prevent the spread of Aids. Where on earth did that come from?

So not only is it OK for a male prostitute to use a condom but not a married couple who can't afford to have more children, but it's somehow OK to be a male prostitute? I'm kinda scratching my head over this one.

I'm totally OK with revelation. I'm fine with giving new instructions to a changing world. I'm just having trouble processing this new exemption. It's OK for a male prostitute to use a condom but it's not OK for a female prostitute to give one to her John? There seems to be many strange things about this new rule.

I will add that the media reports that the Pope made this statement when discussing his new book and claims the Pope accepts responsibility for this decision as an individual not on behalf of the church. I guess I'm just a little confused.

Nevertheless, the world will still turn and good Catholics will remain good Catholics and contributing members of society within our crazy world that just got a little bit crazier.

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