Surprise, surprise. This is what the invasion of Afghanistan was really about. Afghanistan will deploy up to 7,000 troops to secure a major transnational gas pipeline slated to run through some of the most dangerous parts of the war-torn country, an official said Sunday.
The pledge comes a day after Turkmenistan signed broad agreements with Afghanistan, India and Pakistan at a summit in its capital Ashgabat on the ambitious venture.
The 1,700-kilometre TAPI pipeline, Ashgabat's dream project that first appeared in 1995, has been on hold for many years due to the Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan. (The Taliban gave the contract for the pipeleine to an Argenteena firm instead of an American one.)
The pipeline aims to transport more than 30 billion cubic metres of gas annually from the Dauletabad gas fields in southeast Turkmenistan and could turn into a cash cow for Afghanistan in transit fees.
Wow, the oil company is even gonna give Afghanistan 8% of the oil revenue. Sounds like a little Iranian Deja Vue. In fact, they're going right around Iran this time. That's only half of what they initially gave the Shaw before they were forced to raise the percentage. It's all about the money.
Obviously, Afghanistan wouldn't get as much as Turkmenistan since the oil is just passing through Afghanistan it's not drilled and refined there.
Yet if 8% of the oil revenue would be a cash cow for the Afghan government, which is alleged to be corrupt, then controlling interest in those oil revenues would indeed be a fortune. Why that would be enough blood money to fund a war. England and BP were the ones that started the war for oil. They're the ones that convinced the Americans to get involved in it.
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