Tuesday, March 24, 2009

EU turns to Advertising

So the push for a United States of Europe continues to drive forward and two unlikely allies record their dissent. Ireland voted down the Lisbon treaty. Most other member states were not given the opportunity to vote on that question. A political party called Libertas is very concerned with the abandonment of democracy in the formation of the new superstate and wants the Irish referendum to be respected.

England complains that Obama is pushing for a Federal Europe. Why would he do that? England is hesitant to give up the pound for the EU. Understandably so. The greatest implication in joining the EU is to give up individual sovereignty.
BTW if England joins the EU and gives up the pound for the euro, does that mean we won’t have the Queen’s picture on our Canadian dollars anymore? Will the monarchy still exist? Not that I’m a big fan of the monarchy by any means. Just curious so I am.

The bottom line is that Brussels is doing what Hitler and Stalin never dreamed of. A complete take over of Europe by lulling the voters with cheap advertising and no constitution protecting human rights:

So this is how liberty dies... with thunderous applause:

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