Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Zionist Movement

I find the anti Zionism obsession somewhat difficult to comprehend. Perhaps it is a language and translation barrier. Zion is the pure in heart. Every culture and every religion seeks some form of enlightenment. In Buddhism it’s Nirvana. For Zen it’s simply called enlightenment.

I once had a friend who said "In God we trust not Allah." Ever pause to think that the term Allah is Arabic for God? The great architect of the universe so to speak. The Koran makes reference to the Lord as does the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.

The Jews aren’t the only people that use the term Zion. Zionism is simply a quest among Judaism to create the perfect society where people live in harmony. Kind of like that Chinese painting of heaven and hell. The bottom half of the painting was the artist’s rendition of hell.

Everyone was sitting around a huge dinner table with a big feast before them. The problem was the only way the people could eat the food was with chopsticks longer than their arms. The dilemma was they had all this wonderful food in front of them but they were unable to eat it and were therefor starving and in agony.

The top half of the picture was heaven. The people there were gathered around the same table with the same eating utensils only everyone there was happy and fulfilled. They were feeding each other. That is Zion.

Zion does not mean oppression. Zion does not mean intolerance. Zion means sincerity and service. Pursuing Zion is a noble quest whether you be, Jewish, Muslim, Christian or Buddhist. Nevertheless, the Jewish people have a right to a home just like everyone else. Opposing that is just intolerance.


Anonymous said...

who's he?

Finian said...

The photo is Lao Tsu. A Chinese philosopher who coined the phrase “A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” He was a follower (or leader) of Zen.