Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Taliban attack musicians at wedding

This is really strange: http://uk.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idUKTRE55E2PF20090615

The Taliban attack musicians at a wedding, beat them, shave their heads and tie them to a tree. Seemingly they have banned music even at weddings. OK that definitely is something out of the twilight zone.

As cynical as I am of the Oil Pipeline the American Oil companies wanted the Taliban to let them build through Afghanistan and their new rape law, banning music, throwing acid on women, forbidding girls to go to school, those are acts of archaism if true. I’m left to ask, is it true or not?

The acid attack just seems so false flag. Not something any rational and well organized counter insurgency would execute. More like something MI6 or the CIA would orchestrate to gain public symphony for their cause. Remember all the bad the Taliban did didn’t matter until they gave the oil pipeline contact to an Argentina firm.

I remember reading about the Talibans well executed attack on Canadian and US military supplies. That was well orchestrated and strategic. These strange acts of extremism don’t seem consistent with the same group.

If the Taliban did ban music and did pay people to throw acid on school girls then shame on them. If the CIA and the MI 6 did it to create animosity towards the Taliban then shame on them.

Meet the Taliban: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_F29PxYTck&NR=1

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