Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Well a magnificent and heart wrenching performance by another Canadian figure skater last night. Joannie Rochette, a 24 year old figure skater from Quebec just lost her mother and rose to the challenge of performing with her grief having just lost her biggest fan:

This is the video clip of that performance:

Perfection in any sport isn't nearly as admirable as the abdominal spirit required to rise up in the face of adversity. The theme song for the Vancouver 2010 Olympics is Believe:

Similar to the Guinness slogan and that of the Golden State Warriors basketball team, Believe is a familiar chant. There are many things that I used to believe in that I do not believe in any more. Yet there are many principles which I still deeply believe in and cherish.

An old song by Rare Earth states "I had my faith in the people and the people let me down so I turn the other way and I carry on any how. I just want to celebrate. I had my hand on a dollar bill, and the dollar bill blew away but the sun is shining down on me and it's here to stay. I just want to celebrate another day of life."

I still believe that tyranny, oppression and exploitation are wrong. I believe that using people to get elected to office then betraying them is wrong. I still believe in hard work and determination but I do recognize that working with all your effort to climb a ladder will not get you where you want to go if the ladder is propped up against the wrong building.

The second law of thermodynamics implies that God does exist. In a closed system order does not increase without help. You throw a stack of wood and nails on your front lawn, it doesn't build a house after three thousand years unless someone takes a hammer and goes to work. Paintings have painters, buildings have builders and creation has a creator.

However, good and evil does exist and if God is not good, then there is no hope because satan is not good. Indeed, where there is no vision, the people will perish. Hope is an anchor because it does not fail in the storms of life. No matter how dark it gets, behind the dark clouds the sun is still shining and we can always hope for a better day. We can always hope for a greater good. We can always aspire to something higher.

I believe. I believe Darren Entwistle is an asshole. I believe George Doubt is a freak. I believe the masses are easily swayed by poison kool aid but in the end, truth will prevail. I still believe.

I may be a bitter old man but I still believe in dreams:

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