Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Smurfs Rock

Well they fixed the flame and got the Plexiglas in: http://www.ctvolympics.ca/video/index.html?assetid=f85c2cc6-c2c2-4e8f-b421-a5e34aab552f

But did ya see the Canadian couple who got a gold medal in figure skating? I'm not a figure skating fan myself but their performance was flawless and their finish was magnificent. Seeing that kind of talent brings a tear to the eye: http://www.ctvolympics.ca/video/index.html?assetid=dd34d664-d55e-4f19-ace0-e8d9a49a1f89&cid=rss

Tonight after work I'm walking to the shuttle bus and I meet three smurfs with ear to ear grins. One asks if I had a good night and I causally respond yes. Then I looked at them and said, don't tell me you were near the action tonight. They smiled and said yes. I didn't think you were slaving away in a kitchen. They were volunteers who got a glimpse of the men's aerial qualifications.

They even referred to themselves as Smurfs. People call them smurfs because of the light blue shirts and light blue uniforms. I was talking to another group last week and they said smurfs rock. I didn't realize they referred to themselves as smurfs. I thought it was just a nickname people called them.

Ya gotta admire the zeal of the Olympic volunteers. Yesterday I met a lady at lunch from Ontario who took time off work to volunteer for the Olympics. That was an admirable commitment. The volunteers sure have a lot of positive energy. Good for them. I like seeing people doing something constructive instead of doing nothing but complain.

Even the parking attendants were excited. At the Capiliano parking for the shuttle bus each set of parking attendants were waving their luminated flashlights and motioning the way to go as happy as can be. Even in the pouring rain at 4:00 o'clock in the morning. After working a double shift one night and seeing them all excited at 4 o'clock in the morning I chuckled and wondered where they got all that energy from. One said it was the coffee.

There was one girl who was directing pedestrians up the hill from the parking to the shuttle bus. She was cheering people up the hill telling them they were almost there. It was amusing. On the way down from Cypress on the shuttle bus we could see the Olympic flame just behind the Lions Gate bridge at the view point. It was cool. Too bad my camera doesn't take very good pictures at night. That would be a good one.

Here's to the volunteers. Smurfs Rock.

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