In Belfast a black flag didn't represent anarchy or some radical drive of extremism. In Belfast people are used to getting exploited. During an IRA funeral they would line the streets with black flags out of respect for the dead as a sign of mourning. I'm certainly not saying I agree with everything the IRA did. In due course one side at times became just as bad as the other. I am saying that when death occurs, mourning is an appropriate response.
The TWU died a long time ago.
Some say it died when the Devil's deal was signed and the company just had to send the union a letter to notify them of any contracting out. That was the beginning of the end and the gravestones of good jobs fill the list of jobs lost to greed.
Some say the union died before that when party politics degenerated into bitter factionalism which we have seen reoccur in 2010. The liberators have become the oppressors and democracy has degenerated into fear controlled by oppression and harassment. The list of dirty deeds is long as is the fearful silence. No one wants to speak out and be a target.
The shocking thing is, what do you do when the majority of the people ask for evil? What do you do when the majority of the people say Let's kill all the Jews or when the majority of the people say Let's kill all the Muslims? We oppose it of course. We speak and record our dissent. We do not stop reminding them that killing Jews or killing Muslims is wrong. Silence is indeed violence.
When the majority of the delegates in a Union vote for oppression, vote for abuse and harassment then darkness reigns and we wave a black flag as we record our dissent. That was another use of the black flag in Belfast. I remember seeing a photo of a Irishman holding a black flag in protest as the antagonistic and racist Orange men marched through his neighbourhood in a proud parade of intolerance.
To George Doubt and Tamara Marshall I wave a black flag in tribute. Two people who turned on the very people they used to get elected and when they seized enough power to control the delegates they signed the termination order on the people they used. Our little ray of sunshine has turned into a dark cloud of poison.
Abusing the harassment policy, firing Lila and Sherryl with a smile on your face? Shame on you. History has recorded those dark deeds and you will live with that forever. Natural justice still exists in our troubled world.
And to the Bobblehead delegates paralyzed with fear I say Shame on you:
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