Sunday, September 6, 2009

George Bush Senior and Reagan's October Surprise

The October Surprise conspiracy relates to an allegation that the release of the Iranian hostages was delayed by the U.S. government to coincide with Ronald Reagan's election. Although the allegation was denied, many individuals stood by the allegation:

In 1991 freelance writer Danny Casolaro claimed to be almost ready to expose the alleged October Surprise conspiracy, among others, when someone slashed his wrists, raising suspicions. He appeared to be traveling for his investigation. His death was ruled a suicide.

Danny Casolaro was also the one ready to expose "The Octopus." A vast interlocking network of criminal conspiracy that reaches right into the U.S. government:

This is what Sarah McClendon had to say about George Bush Senor's involvement with Iran in the October Surprise Conspiracy that was a precursor to the Iran Contra Affair:

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