Monday, May 10, 2010

TWU Order 66 - The Betrayal is Complete

We've already talked about how after using Lila Hacket to get elected Senator Palpatine became Darth Sidious. We also talked about how John Carpenter's Vampires Suck and how they lost $3 million in less than a year.

The Star Wars saga was about a dirty politician who used fraud to create a manufactured emergency. He teamed up with a group of bad guys and got them to attack his planet. Then he used that attack to gain sympathy in the senate to get elected chancellor. Where have we heard that term before?

He used the war to get the powers of dictator bestowed upon him then when the time was right he had his people ambush and execute all the real Jedi on the battlefield. Somewhat ironic how similar that is to the fate of the TWU. The Betrayal is Now Complete.

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