NYC bomb suspect had Taliban 'direction' - Bullshit. He did not say he was from a Muslin lawless sate because Muslim extremists are obsessed with the Koran and Muslin law. They do not support lawlessness. What's more likely is that this headline is to distract us from this other headline in today's news: Oil fix fails as oil hits Alabama beaches.
The CIA trained the Taliban to fight the Russian invasion. Halliburton and the Texas oil companies were wining and dining the Taliban trying to win the contract for the oil pipeline through Afghanistan called CentGas. When the Taliban ended up awarding the contract to an Argentina firm named Bridas, all of a sudden we were at war with Afghanistan. After the invasion of Afghanistan the contract was given back to UNOCAL and Halliburton which was tied to Dick Cheney. Halliburton is connected to BP and the current oil spill.
Take a good look. This is what a CIA Agent looks like. Since the growing number of people including architects still question and doubt the official story behind 9/11 the CIA are bound and determined to continue their Operation Mass ReAppeal. They keep making up bogus terrorist attacks and saving us from them to justify their existence and to use propaganda into lulling the public into questioning the concerns of 9/11.
Remember Operation Mass Appeal was MI 6's media blitz that sent false information to the media about Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction. Dr. David Kelly was the British weapons inspector in Iraq at the time who leaked out MI6's plan to the press. He died of a suspicious suicide. Then MI6 claims he was murdered by Iraqi's intelligence because they were mad he was inspecting their weapons. But wait, that doesn't make sense. No matter how mad he could possibly have got them in the past, he was telling the world MI 6 was lying about Iraq's WMD. Iraq would want him alive to do that.
I just just don't believe a word that comes out of the CIA's mouth any more for good reason. Operation Northwoods. The USS Liberty. A pattern of lies, a pattern of false flag attacks. The boy who cried wolf then keeps paying people to dress up as wolves to pretend he wasn't lying.
Think about it. Palestinians shooting hand held rockets into Israel and a car load of fertilizer and fireworks with a toy clock did not bring the third tower or the twin towers down in a controlled demolition.
Psychotic extremists hiding in caves with goats did not plant thermite in the third tower or the twin towers and bring them down in a perfectly controlled demolition where they collapse into their own footprint at free fall speed. Liars. Instead of feeding us bullshit why don't you cap the leaking oil well that was caused by taking short cuts and stop blaming terrorists for Halliburton and the Oil companies' terror.
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