Saturday, January 17, 2009

CUPW Out of Touch with Gaza

This is so typical. CUPW writes Harper calling for him to condemn Israel’s military action in Gaza but doesn’t say a word about Hamas firing rockets into Israel at will. It’s like their anti Semitic resolution against Israel following CUPE.

CUPW’s resolution is one step better than the CUPE resolution because it denounces terrorism but it is clear that their denouncing terrorism is only lip service. Justice goes both ways. I agree Israel shouldn’t be using white phosphorous on civilians and should not be shelling schools even if Hamas is hiding in them and using human shields but for Hamas to launch a campaign to send rockets into Israel after Israel pulled out of Gaza with the sole intent of destroying Israel politically is wrong.

Denouncing Israel’s military action without denouncing Hamas is wrong. It reminds me of CUPW's position on Cuba and how the former National President supported revolutionary Communism in Cuba. If that is not something from the twilight zone, I don’t know what is.

Unions are supposed to support human rights not oppress them. Lenin used the trade Union movement to get power and after the trade unions went on strike because he took over the party from the real labour leader he sent in the machine guns to fire on the striking trade unionists.

Michael Moore was right, Why are union leaders so stupid?

The only consolation is that when CUPW over steps and comes out with a political recommendation the members vote the opposite.

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