Wednesday, January 21, 2009

These are the best of times, they are the worst of times

As Charles Dickens once said these are the best of times, they are the worst of times. I am thrilled to see the changing of the guard for the protector of the United States constitution. One task that George Bush failed miserably at. I think Michael Moore said it well when he said George Bush’s last official duty should be offering himself a pardon for all the crimes he committed while in office.

I don’t want to rain on the parade. I’m thrilled with Obama’s inauguration and am filled with hope for a better day. Yet I remain overcome with sadness. Sadness for all the crimes committed that have been glossed over, denied, lied about and hidden. Sadness for all the death and murder that resulted in perpetuating those lies and sadness for them all to be swept under the carpet as Obama does the noble thing and reaches out to his political opponents. Indeed he is a better man than I am.

It was wonderful to see the masses attend the inauguration in Washington at the very spot Martin Luther King spoke at so many years ago. Oh happy day. Yet for me the sadness lingers. True Obama is speaking to a divided America but as he said not as divided as they were coming out of the civil war. Who on earth would want to reach out to someone who fought a war for the right to keep slaves?

Then there’s the story of a young man whose father never votes in elections and said he is going to make sure he votes in this election because he doesn’t want a black man to become president. That is so archaic it is embarrassing. The only way to stop a man like that is with the bullet or the ballot. The civil war stopped him with the bullet and today the ballot has risen supreme and stopped that kind of shameful insanity.

I like the commercial about hope:

Obama’s message was about choosing hope over fear:

As my grief continues let’s look at some of the crimes committed that Michael Moore talked about. Election fraud. Excessive privatization resulting in excessive corruption in the privatized prisons, privatized military (Blackwater) and privatized Energy (Enron). Vetoing a bill stopping CIA torture. The long list of False Flag documentation within the CIA. Operation Northwoods. Operation Gladio. Those atrocities were history and should be remembered just as the holocaust is.

Then there was 9/11. We need to reopen 9/11. Extending the hand of fellowship to known murders is not the answer. A plane did not cause the thermite cuts in the load bearing beams of the twin towers. My sadness is for the atrocities that have been committed and are being glossed over in the name of peace at any price. The CIA is inherently corrupt. The death of Garry Webb and Danny Casolaro has not changed that. The CIA is a secret society whose purpose is murder to get gain.

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