Saturday, January 24, 2009

Obama signs order to close Guantanamo bay

Closing Guantanamo bay is a good thing. It is public knowledge that the CIA tortures suspects there. Bush vetoed a bill banning CIA torture. That was shameful. Let me reiterate, this is not a matter of torturing known terrorists to save innocent lives. This is the practice of torturing people to obtain false confessions to the CIA’s false flag operations. There was nothing there to be proud of. Before you dare mention the word Taliban read up on Unocal.

One of my daughter’s little racist friends from Texas was complaining that Obama is closing Guantanamo bay and "destroying everything". This coming from a huckle berry red neck kid who is a professed racist and Bush lover and works for less than 6 dollars an hour in one of the wealthiest states. My response to that is the only thing good that came out of Texas was the Dixie Chicks and look at how they were mistreated. OK that’s an exaggeration. A friend's daughter’s husband came from Texas and he was a great guy but he was black. There remains a lot of uneducated huckle berry racists in Texas and that is shameful.

I don’t agree with Obama on abortion but that is one issue. There are many other issues that I do agree with him on. There are many things that Bush did that were down right evil. If anyone is the AntiChrist it was Bush not Obama. Bush’s corruption goes back three generations. His grandfather funded Hitler. His father was a director of the CIA and tied to the drugs for guns deals that sparked the Crack epidemic in the US and Bush left a legacy of corruption from excessive privatization in the Prisons, Military (Blackwater), Energy (Enron), not to mention the torture and the false flag events. Did someone say reopen 9/11? Oh yeah, many of us did.

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