Saturday, January 24, 2009

Professor Steven Jones and 9/11

Dr. Steven Jones was a professor at Brigham Young University. He published a paper and lectured about 9/11 discrepancies:

He claimed to find Thermite in the 9/11 ruble which when looking at the evidence is no surprise. This claim created quite an outrage among 9/11 debunkers and spin doctors. I saw one Youtube video "debunking" those claims by providing a list of everyday items found in the Twin Towers that would account for the presence of all the items that compose Thermite. Yet even to someone as unlearned as I, some of the items weren’t so every day and some of those claims were just plain false. The passion of the cover up interests me.

Turns out at no surprise that BYU caved into political pressure and turned on Dr. Jones: I don’t want to dive into the logical consequences of demonizing the extreme left while rationalizing the extreme right because in my opinion both extremes lead to the same place – dictatorship.

I simply want to emphasize the seriousness of the 9/11 inconsistencies and tie them to two historical facts: Operation Northwoods and Operation Gladio. We can argue the chemical composition of ruble until the cows come home. The photographs of the Thermite cuts in the load bearing beams of the Twin Towers speak for themselves.

A plane did not make those perfect cuts in the load bearing beams. Jet fuel does not burn as hot as they say it does and burned off at impact. Thermite however does burn insanely hot. Thermite would not only account for the diagonal cuts in the load bearing beams it would account for the melted cars found at the base of the twin towers, the hot spots seen in the 9/11 ruble from a NASA satellite and the extreme heat including red hot metal pulled out of the 9/11 rubble six weeks after the horrific event.

The question remains who planted the Thermite in the towers before the planes hit. That is a serious question that needs to be answered. Especially when we examine Operation Northwoods and Operation Gladio. If the CIA and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff were willing to kill innocent Americans on American soil and blame it on Cuba to justify an invasion of Cuba then, why not now. Especially when they actually did it in Europe under the guise of Operation Gladio.

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