In England Halloween isn't nearly as popular as Guy Fawkes night. Kids would make a stuffed dummy of Guy Fawkes prior to November 5th and collect money for fireworks. They'd say "Penny for the Guy" If ya haven't got a penny a hipenny will do, if you haven't got a hipenny then God bless you.
Then on bond fire night they would burn their stuffed dummy of Guy Fawkes. It commemorates the story of how the traitor Guy Fawkes was caught trying to blow up the Parliament buildings. When I was working in London many years ago a few friends asked me if I have ever been to Lewes on Guy Fawkes night. No I replied. You've gotta see this they smiled.
What a night that was. It felt like a scene from an old Frankenstein movie. Everyone was dressed in costumes related to England's colonial days and marching by torchlight to the location of the huge bondfire. There was a huge sign draped across the street that read "No Popery Here!" I had to ask what that meant. I was puzzled and thought well that isn't very politically correct. The whole night was very anti Catholic. Guy Fawkes was a Catholic.
Then a few men dressed as Cardinals narrated the story. The cry was Remember Remember the 5th of November!" Then they shouted out "What shall we do?" "Burn him!" The crowd yelled. This went back and forth until they finally burned their traitor to the cheers of the crowd. But that's not all.
After they burned Guy Fawkes, they burned an effigy of the Pope to the cheers of the crowd. I raised my eyebrow and said to myself now I know that's not politically correct. But they didn't stop there. After that the burned the bill, a statue of the police. Then they exploded a ship that I think was supposed to represent the establishment. It got kind of hard to follow as I was ducking shrapnel.
I haven't seen the whole movie but the V for Vendetta speech is a call to remembrance. Some claim Guy Fawkes was a hero because England at the time were killing and oppressing Catholics. Others uphold that guy Fawkes was a traitor just like Lundi in Derry / Londonderry. An interesting point the V for Vendetta speech makes is that traitors can come from within. What do we do when we have a bad king or when a bad politician is elected to parliament?
I submit that Moya Greene is a traitor to the British people. Yes, I am part British. My father's father was born in London. He married an wonderful woman who was half Irish half Scottish. After watching the movie Braveheart my daughter never like to admit we were part British but we are. England has had some bad kings in the past. Have you seen the new Robin Hood movie with Russel Crowe? When I saw the previews I thought they must have changed the story a bit because it looked more like Gladiator organizing armies. Sure enough, they did change the story line a bit but I liked it. It almost made you proud of being part English.
You know what makes Great Britain Great? Diversity. English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh. Cultural diversity makes England great. Now with immigration England has become multicultural too.
Historically England and Scotland had beef. How did they settle that dispute? They put a Scotsman on the Crown. I kid you not. The present Queen is from the Stewarts who were a Scottish line of royalty. But that's not all. That Scottish line originally came from Ireland and is a descendant of Nial of the Nine Hostages, Cormac MacArt and Con of the Hundred battles.
In fact the stone of scone came from Ireland. One of the princes of Ulster gave it to his brother Fergus Mac Erc(a) when he married in to Scottish royalty. Legend has it that the prophet Jeremiah brought the stone of scone from Israel with one of the daughters of King Zedekiah. The bible claims Jeremiah went to Egypt with two of the daughters of king Zedekiah. The legend claims from there they went on one of the ships from Tarshish and sailed to Ireland. One of the daughters married into Spanish royalty and the other daughter married into Irish royalty.
The theory is that not only is the Queen of England Scottish, not only is she part Irish, she is also of the house of David. So the legend goes but that's not all the Davinci code claims so it's not.
Here in Canada we have the queen's face on our money. I never really thought about it much as the Queen doesn't play a very large role here. When I worked in London many years ago it was during the royal wedding with Prince Charles and Princess Dianna. The press went wild. We were listening on the radio to the play by play details at work. The media was excitedly describing every step when she came out with her wedding gown on describing her outfit as the media rushed off to get the pictures in the press.
I said out loud "Bloody hell it's not the moonwalk. You'd think it was the first step on the moon for heaven's sake." They did not find my comment very amusing. They like their royalty. I didn't understand. I will admit that Dianna was the best thing that ever happened to the Royal house. She was divine. I'll always remember the picture of her talking off her royal glove and holding the hand of a leper.
Charles is a good man as well. His mother made him marry Dianna. He was older and wanted to marry Camila his true love but the queen said no. Such it up and do it for your country she said which he did. Most older men would have jumped at the opportunity to marry a younger beautiful woman. Yet as we know the marriage had friction and her untimely death was tragic. Charles marrying Camila to me is noble. That was his true love. Good for him. Yet his sons carry the compassionate blood of the divine princess.
What is my point in all this historical dribble? My point is, England can be great again. My point is England is still under seize and that treason threatens the nation once again. Only this treason, is from within. Help the Queen defeat the Corporate beast that is trying to take over parliament. The same beast Tony Blair sold out to when he kissed George bush's ass and agreed to a war for oil. The same beast which inspired MI6 to plant false information in the media about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction in Mass Appeal. Stand with the Queen against this treason from within. It all begins with Moya Greene.
You can stop the privatization of the Queen's mail just like we did in Canada. A minority government must listen to the constituents or lose office. The time to strike for democracy is now. Remember Remember the 5th of November. Just like a waving flag.