Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Finian Escapes like a Bat out of Hell

Here's another epiphany. I was really upset about "losing" the TELUS trial in San Fran and caved into their stupid demand of destroying all the copies I had of TELUS Idol but then it finally dawned on me. I didn't really lose the case.

From the very beginning I was ready to agree to a consent order letting them have TELUS Idol as long as I could get all the other videos they had taken off YouTube back on. The ones they claimed copyright to but had no possible copyright to. Like home videos of the picketline and songs written and performed by members on the picket line. They had 23 videos taken off YouTube not 11.

Their San Fransisco lawyer wouldn't agree to a consent order so we proceeded to trial. Obviously they were initially trying to scare me. The consequence for copyright infringement could be a fine of up to $500,000.00 as well as imprisonment. The fine for a Corporation who gets caught committing copyfraud, claiming copyright to things they don't have copyright on to censor the Internet is $2,000.00. Absolutely nothing for a large corporation.

Clearly TELUS and I did not have the same risk on the table. Which is why their Vancouver lawyer thought I was insane since I was fully aware of that fact. In the end, although they were not convicted of perjury, I wasn't fined $500,000.00 and sent to jail either.

So indeed. Finian Escapes like a Bat out of Hell and Darren Entwistle can kiss my black Irish ass because he's still a bitch. $12 million doesn't buy respect.

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