Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pray for Japan or at least text

I'm not much of a religious man anymore and I'm not much for prayer. I've always believed if you want to do something go out and do it. Yet I do recognize that we can do nothing without the help of the almighty and therefor have little to boast about.

The situation in Japan with the earthquake and Tsunami is very sad. Yet the Japanese are such quiet peaceful people. The gas stations are closed and stores have limited hours yet they are quietly lining up in civilized order. Unlike here. People would be looting and rioting. There they wait in line for their turn admits horrible conditions.

I'm not a very bright guy but one would think with all this talk of earthquake preparedness, that some of these scientists would plan what to do in the event a nuclear reactor undergoes an earthquake. The possibility of multiple reactors melting down is horrific. I always found it strange that with all the scientific advances in nuclear fission that they would use a complex nuclear reaction to create heat to boil water and turn a turbine. You'd think they'd have some kind of silicon cell like they use to covert the suns rays into electricity to covert a nuclear reaction directly into electricity. I guess I'm just simple.

Nevertheless my heart goes out to Japan and those noble people. Perhaps we should just text a donation or paypal a donation in to the Red Cross. Prayers are nice but actions speak louder than words.

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