Yesterday I glanced at a headline in the Canadian edition of the British Telegraph that read Public Sector Shaken Up. As I read the beginning of the article I was amazed at the concept and the terms used to describe it. It was all about releasing public services from “the grip of state control”.
I'm trying to find a copy of the article but it appears to be driven by the ramblings of David Cameron. "Liberating" the public sector from State control simply means removing public accountability. It is giving up sovereignty and handing it over to the corporate machinations.
What Cameron refers to as the grip of state control is in layman's terms called democracy. Public accountability is not a Communist plot to overthrow the free world. This Cameron guy is a freak.
He starts off his rambling by of course blaming Labour for everything under the sun then we find out David Cameron has been secretly consulting Tony Blair about Libya. Tony Blair's big screw up was following the US into Iraq based on a lie. A lie that was spread by MI 6 in the media under Operation Mass Appeal. David Cameron is even worse than Tony Blair.
Privatizing all the schools and hospitals means the government will be collecting taxes but they won't be providing any services in return. What's next? Privatizing prisons, police forces and the military? The Americans did that with Blackwater and Haliburton. A private army in the hands of big corporations is not a good thing. What started off as wholesome conservative values has been transformed into voluntarily giving up our sovereignty. No wonder they hired Moya Green to do to England what Canadians didn't want her to do to Canada.
Now what on earth has happened to the media in the UK? Did someone let Conrad Black out of prison and has he been buying up all the media outlets again? When I had a look at the British Telegraph's web site yesterday it looked more like Fox News propaganda than anything British.
The headline was, SAS considers seizing Gaddafi's stores of mustard gas, a slam on Obama and a plug for Sarah Palin's daughter's book. What the hell? Sara Palin is no Maggie Thatcher. Palin is an idiot. Just ask Matt Damon. The Republicans can do a lot better than that. She is famous for saying really stupid things. Like how not long ago when North Korea started aggressive actions against South Korea. Palin was quoted in the media as saying. "Of course we will stand by our allies in North Korea." Someone better tell her that the US were allies with South Korea not North Korea in that war. How can anyone get that mixed up? She's a great reality tv show host or David Letterman comedian but having her in government is absolutely scary.
Why would a British newspaper be trashing Obama and plugging Sarah Palin? That is bizarre. Do an interview with Michele Obama. At least she has a brain. And don't get me started on the SAS wanting to seize Gaddafi's mustard gas. What a crock of shit that is. Why is it that the Americans and the British are so concerned about human rights when oil is involved but they don't give a rat's ass about human rights when oil is not involved?
I will admit England did get involved in Bosnia and there was no oil there to be gained. But what if the Falklands wanted to rebel against British control? Would we let them have their independence or would we send the Navy in to crush their rebellion like Gadaffi is doing. The Falklands dispute appears to be over oil as well. Argentina? Didn't the invasion of Afghanistan start after the Taliban gave the contract for the oil pipeline there to Bridas, an Argentina firm? After that invasion it was given to an American firm. Hmmm...
Who sold Saddam Hussein mustard gas to use on Iran during that war? It was the Americans. We haven't heard a peep out of Gaddafi since Regan's you can run but you can't hide. Now the "Allies" including Stephen Harper are trying to seize the opportunity in Libya because of the oil. Don't get me wrong, if Gaddafi is firing on protesters, that is wrong. Just as it was for England to do it on bloody Sunday in Northern Ireland.
I don't understand what is really going on with the sweeping protests in the Arab world right now but as far as I can see Gaddafi supporters are fighting with those that want him to step down. It could well be a civil war kind of thing. The Americans had a civil war. Is that something we really want to get involved in? The fact that oil is involved makes intentions suspicious.
What were the SAS doing dressed up as Arabs in a car loaded with guns and explosives in Iraq anyways? If Operation Mass Appeal was real, why on earth have we let the media in the UK become a Fox News tabloid? Look what we did to Iran. Maggie, what have we done?
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