Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Justification Process

We can justify pretty much anything if we really want to. We can justify lying, cheating, stealing, misrepresenting, pretty much anything. In fact there's a justification process that lets TWU members leave their Union without a decertification. It's kinda like going to the CLC and saying help, our Union is dysfunctional. In a way it puts the Union into receivership and gives it a chance to straighten up before it's replaced with another Union.

Merging with another Union is always an option. Raiding is another. I'm not so morally opposed to Raiding as most in the Labour Movement are. I think bad Unions should be held accountable to the members they are paid to represent and if the Union members don't like their representation, they should be free to change their representation. If Unions are not accountable they tend to do what they want when they want regardless of the democratic will of the membership.

However, in the current TWU crisis, I don't think a raid is in order. Merger is one option. Merge with who? CEP? CUPE? I'd say CAW is definitely out. Some talk about the Steelworkers but you want to go with a proactive Union that is in a field that is growing. You don't want to get swallowed up by a dying union to protect their job security.

Protecting the TWU pension is another important quest. A lot of other Unions want to get their grubby little mits on the TWU pension. Personally, I think the Justification Process might be the safest and wisest option.

Some might rightfully argue that there are too many officers that are involved in this toxic scandal that need to be changed and not enough candidates to run against them. That too was my first thought. Then again, if Darth Sidiuos' yahoos were kept in line by two good men, or rather two good women, then maybe two strong voices to assist Sherryl might be enough to turn the tide of insanity that has swept over and blinded the TWU.

George Doubt, John Carpenter, Betty Carrasco and Lee Riggs in my opinion are the driving force behind the new era of insanity that locked out COPE, fired two of the most senior COPE members, fired the workers champion and fired the secretary treasurer. Those four were all active participants. Tamara's blind rationalization of their misdeeds is bizarre. Look at how she is quoted in the media.

Cope has concerns about the TWU. But we're a good employer. Cope says you laid off the two most senior staff members and they have filed a grievance. We're a good employer. We don't think there's a grievance. Can't she see how stupid that looks and sounds? I don't want to be mean but she is coming off like a complete airhead. She has been acting Secretary Treasurer for quite a while now. In my opinion, she's doing a very bad job at acting.

It didn't have to get personal. They didn't have to fire Lila. But they did. They didn't have to fire Sherryl. But they did. That's when it got personal. When Sherry and Lila objected to extravagant Executive council meetings like the one they planned at Harrison when they refused to send members to be trained at the CLC winter school at Harrison, that wasn't personal.

They made it personal when they started to harass fellow officers for expressing their concerns about finances. They didn't have to do that but they did. Now when Tamara blinks here eyes and says Oh I think that was a nice letter to Lila or Oh I think we are a good employer, the rest of the world is shaking their head saying airhead.

I don't think the TWU members would have a hard time convincing the CLC their Union is now dysfunctional and needs help. I think putting the Union into receivership through the Justification Process will help save it. After all, it's Christmas eve in Sarajevo.

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