Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Boys that Cried Wolf

All these documented cases of false flag attacks are very disturbing. The USS Main, the USS Liberty, Operation Northwoods. The list goes on. There are two issues on the table. The first issue is the outrageousness of how the US government has let some of it’s own people die so they could use their deaths as a pretext for going to war in their quest for "expansionism."

The second issue is the reality of a foreign enemy. With all this news of false flag events, no one is going to believe them when a real emergency strikes. My point in all this nonsense is that privatizing everything is not wise and the corporate war machine is beginning to get out of control.

The corruption within the CIA is astounding and it clearly has influence over whatever president is elected. I haven’t even talked about the Arkansas train deaths or the Gulf of Tonkin incident.

As Canadians we need to separate ourselves from US foreign policy not embrace it and merge with them in a North American Union. We also need to realize that although the enemy from within is currently the greatest threat to our liberty and sovereignty, it is not the only threat.

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