Saturday, October 4, 2008

Faked Military Attacks – U.S.A.

We’ve already talked about how Hitler used fake military attacks to rise to power and rationalize going to war:

We’ve also talked about how the Star Wars saga was based on how the evil Emperor used faked military attacks to rise to power and take over the Republic through propaganda:

We’ve also talked about Operation Northwoods, which was a CIA and Joint Chiefs of Staff proposal to kill Americans on American soil and blame it on Cuba to rationalize invading Cuba and how Kennedy opposed the plan before he was assassinated:

Now let’s talk about the USS Main and Pearl Harbor.

September 2000 the Project for a New American Century released a report called Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century. This report concluded, "the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor."

We need another Pearl Harbor, the report said. Interesting to note that when Operation Northwoods suggested false flag operations it stated like the USS Main. This statement implies that the attack on the USS Main was an executed false flag operation that caused the Spanish American War.

The USS Maine

The Maine sank when her forward gunpowder magazines exploded.

"The sinking of the USS Maine on 15 February 1898 precipitated the Spanish American War and also popularized the phrase 'Remember the Maine, to Hell with Spain!' In subsequent years, the cause of the sinking of the Maine became the subject of much speculation. The cause of the explosion that sank the ship remains an unsolved mystery."

The war began after the American demand for Spain's peaceful resolution of the Cuban fight for Independence was rejected. After the outbreak of war, the Treaty of Paris, which ended the conflict, gave the United States control, among other territories, of the former Spanish colonies of Puerto Rico, the Philippines and Guam. Another example of US Imperialism.

It is highly likely that the sinking of the USS Main was a false flag operation that let the US cause a war and gain territory. This case being cited by the heinous Operation Northwoods ads credibility to that conclusion.

"A Remember the Maine incident could be arranged in several forms: We could blow up a ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba [or] we could blow up a drone anywhere in the Cuban waters." Operation Northwoods

Pearl Harbor

I’m hesitant to mention Pearl harbor because of the complexity of the situation but I will. It has always upset me to hear the rhetoric "Remember Pearl Harbor!" My response to that is forget Pearl Harbor, Remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the paper crane.

Japan hits a single military target and the US responds with nuking two cities of civilians. In my opinion that was outrageous. The situation is complex because Japan adapted a form of Nationalism that had similar elements to Fascism and wanted to follow England’s model of Imperialism. England, France and Portugal practiced colonization why nuke Japan?

Some say the US needed an excuse to enter WWII. Personally I don’t understand why genocide was not a valid reason to enter the war but it appears that wasn’t good enough. There had to be a reason that affected American interest for them to get involved.

Japan wanted Korea and China. Japan invaded Korea and were ruthless against civilians. They also invaded Manchuria and used that invasion as a stepping stone to invade China. At one point Manchu invaded China and replaced the Ming Dynasty but that fell apart in the 1800’s.

Pearl Harbor was not a false flag operation. However, there is merit to the theory that the US knew about the attack beforehand and used it as a pretext for entering the war and also caused it through their economic blockade preventing Japan from getting oil. That forced Japan to do something.
Many conclude that attack was known beforehand because many of the carriers were hustled out of Pearl just hours before the attack, and the old battleships were jammed in to become targets.

Once again, unlike Operation Northwoods, Pearl Harbor was not a false flag operation. However, if it was known about beforehand and if the US government let it happen as a pretext for going to war, then a bigger picture emerges.

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