Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Great Canadian Mosaic

Minority governments in Canada are good. That means no single party can race ahead on it’s own agenda and refuse to listen to any of the other parties. Mandatory minimum sentences for violent crime is good. Mandatory minimum sentences for possession of Marijuana is dumb.

Donna Cadman squeezes in by the skin of her teeth after all the slack she took over joining the Tories after the book she endorsed came out about them bribing her husband. NDP takes Vancouver Kingsway after the strategic voting disaster electing Emerson who crossed over and refused to resign over breach of trust.

Liberals are al an all time low, which as far as finances and scandals goes is good. However, Trudeau’s son the new heartthrob will likely turn that around. He seems like a really nice guy. I just hope he can change the party into being more fiscally responsible.

Nevertheless, life goes on.

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