Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Blogfather arrested in Iran


Well this is pretty typical. This Iranian guy named Hossein Derakhshan starts bloging way back when and teaches his fellow citizens how to blog in Persian. He inspired an estimated 70,000 Iranians to create their own blogs. Something the Iranian government doesn’t like much. Kinda like China where free speech does not exist.

This is his blog:
http://hoder.com/ Although he spoke out against Internet censorship in Iran he opposed foreign intervention. His criticisms of censorship were in no way a plea for US invasion. He is a Muslim and supports a democratic Islamic republic: http://stop.censoring.us/

The Blogfather was a journalist that spoke out on political issues. He certainly wasn’t pro US but he did at times disagree with some things the current Iranian government did. That was his crime. He asserted his right to free speech. Now he is in jail.

Since Terran has a street named after Bobby Sands does that mean they are gonna name the Blogfather’s cell H Block? Naming a street in Terran after Bobby Sands is somewhat ironic. Iran is far worse then England when it comes to censorship and oppression.

I will comment on a link in his last post. I can’t read it because it’s in Persian but a link on his post goes to spinwatch which is a very interesting web site exposing spin doctor propaganda:


The thing with the news about the Blogfather's arrest is that it simply confirms suspicions. His last post was October 6 2008 then it abruptly stops and everyone thinks he was arrested. Well today is December 30 2008 and all of a sudden Iran admits that they arrested him. Talk about an oppressive government. Communist China, Nazi Germany or Stalin’s Russia. The parallels are disheartening.

Not to say that there is anything wrong with Iranian culture, not at all. It’s just the backward bullshit oppression from the removal of free speech and human rights. Talk about being denied a fair trial. They didn’t even admit they arrested him for almost three months. Pathetic. It certainly does nothing for their cause. Makes the government look pretty oppressive to the rest of the world so it does.

Not that we’re far behind. It just shows how real the fight for free speech and human rights is and how real the threat is of those rights being taken away from us in our day. Isn’t that right Moya?

Looks like his real crime is that he supported the other candidate for presidency of Iran in the last election. So much for democracy:

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