Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The New Coalition

Well this made my day. There is nothing, I repeat nothing stopping the other political parties in a minority government teaming up and forming a coalition. It is not a conspiracy nor is it undemocratic. It is the natural consequence of arrogance.

We don’t have the two party system in Canada which is a good thing. As Jesse Ventura stated the two party system just gives you one more choice than Communist Russia.

I totally supported the Reform party. Balance the budget to save social programs not eliminate them. They stood apart from Mulroney’s pork barrel politics and said look beyond the left and right. Three cheers. Then came unite the right instead of unite the bright and that vision was lost. Reform merged with the Conservatives and dejavu Mulronism was back in black.

I tell ya what it’s about, it’s about arrogance. Harper wasted all that money on another election because he wanted a free license to "govern." Somehow the way he says that, it sounds an awful lot like a monarchy. That’s the problem with a majority government, they steam roll ahead with their extreme agenda and don’t listen to a word anyone else says. The Conservatives wanted to "govern" so they could do whatever they wanted whenever they wanted without listening to a word from the opposition.

I tell ya why I’m thrilled with the new coalition and why I’m concerned. I’m thrilled because it’s about time the other political parties teamed up on anything. Getting rid of the Liberal’s carbon tax proposal is good. Protecting pensions is good. Spending money indiscriminately is bad but the conservatives are no better with money. They just spend it on different things and oppress and exploit the elderly and disabled while they do it.

I really take offense to the conservative’s mud slinging stereotypes. "And the new socialist-separatist driven coalition is an attack on Canada itself." STFU! If caring for the elderly and disabled is socialism then I am a socialist so stfu. Look at Gordon Campbell in BC. He shuts down Riverview, puts all the mentally ill on the street then gives himself a huge pay raise and gold plated pension. The very pension he was elected campaigning against. Then he gives himself another obscene raise and puts all the seniors on the street. That is satanic. Stop calling that godly and stop saying anyone who objects is a socialist. Have you no self respect?!

The Bloc does not want to destroy Canada. They want to rule themselves. Just like Ireland wanted. However, just like Northern Ireland, it is problematic because just over 50% don’t want to separate. So why do they elect a separatist government if they don’t all want to separate? Because they want to put their goals as a province first just like every other province wants. That by the way is a problem in itself. The provinces need to stop seeing elections as getting more money from Ottawa. Fiscal responsibility is social programs job security. Without it there is no money for social programs.

The sky will not fall if Quebec separates. Take a look at the map. Quebec is huge. Alaska functions fine apart from the US just as the Eat Coast would if Quebec were to separate. Nevertheless, I still believe we are stronger together than we are apart.

They key word here is listen. We need to listen to each other and respect each other’s opinions. We don’t have to agree on everything. That’s unrealistic. But if we maintain the status quo and let each party have a veto then we don’t steam roll ahead in extreme directions.

The only thing we really need to fix right now is the non confidence vote. MP’s should have free votes. If the government proposes a bill and that bill is defeated then there shouldn’t be another election until the time is up. That way we have a perfect democracy. The politicians’ hands are tied which for the public interest is a good thing.

Now as far as my concerns go, every person and party has good and bad, Harper included. The Liberals created massive debt when they were in power. It’s not the government’s job to create employment. It’s the government’s job to protect human rights as they collect taxes and administer a set of democratically chosen social programs like the police and the fire department. All social programs are not evil.

Hospitals, schools, they are not evil. Nor is housing. George Bush was evil. After pimping the church and spending billions on a war that was based on a lie the economy collapsed under his catastrophic leadership. Then he spends billions on the banks but not a penny on all the families who lost their homes. I am very concerned about fiscal responsibility but personally I rather spend tax dollars on housing, hospitals and schools than banks, fake stocks and wars driven by oil resulting in the occupation and oppression of foreign countries.

The good news is that maybe the new coalition will be less trigger happy to privatize Canada Post and everything else under the sun so we don’t follow the States path of unregulated self destruction.

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