Wednesday, December 10, 2008

UK Invasion

No I’m not talking about the Beatles. Much:
I’m talking about England in Iraq. We all remember Tony Blair’s lovefest with George Bush:

Somewhat pathetic so it was. He received the congressional I’ve blown bush badge for standing by Bush’s side as they invaded Iraq under false pretense and sent in MI6 to launch Operation Mass Appeal by giving false information to the media. They were all caught red handed:

Don’t forget the purpose of MI6: "The purpose of MI6 is to defend the economic well being of the UK." And don’t forget the recruiting question of MI6: "Where do Britain's best long-term interests lie? Washington, Brussels or Moscow?"

The bottom line is despite the propaganda, it’s all about the money. Human rights have nothing to do with it. They didn’t care about Saddam Hussein using American chemical weapons on Iran. They didn’t care about all the bad things the Taliban did when they were going to let UNOCAL build an oil pipeline through Afghanistan. They don’t care Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are the only two countries left on the planet that still don’t let women vote in elections. It’s all about the money. Don’t let them tell you any different.

Tony Blair wondered if he should stay or if he should he go: He left but he forgot to take his MI6 propaganda machine with him. Canada does not need Iggy.

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