Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Michael Ignatieff MI6’s shining star

Think about it. This guy supports torture and has the audacity to pretend the wars for oil actually have anything to do with human rights. This is a MI6 propaganda shining star.

Remember MI6 gave false information to the media about Iraq. Remember MI6 actively participated in Operation Gladio in Europe which was Operation Northwoods implemented. Remember MI6 participated in a foiled false flag event in Iraq:

The truth is MI6 is connected to Oil:

"SIS (often known as MI6) provides HMG with a global covert capability to promote and defend the national security and economic well-being of the United Kingdom."

The purpose of MI6 is to defend the economic well being of the UK.

Historian Andrew Roberts has written about his own experience of being approached in 1987 to join MI6. In the interview he was asked "Where do Britain's best long-term interests lie? Washington, Brussels or Moscow?" Obviously Tony Blair thought Britain’s best long term economic well being resides in Washington. Thus his support for the Invasion of Iraq under false pretense which his intelligence agency helped promote.

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