Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Afghanistan Acid Attack


Sometimes it’s hard to know who to believe if anyone. I really don’t know much about the Taliban. All I know is that they shot a couple of female aid workers dead, which was outrageous and that they were trained by the CIA which is suspicious.

Then there’s the propaganda war. How do you discern the truth when the good guys are convicted liars? We know there was an acid attack on schoolgirls in Afghanistan recently. Yes, absolutely outrageous but who did it. Today the media reports it was the Taliban:

Please note that the media is quoting an accusation made by the Kandahar Gov under the direction of the Afghan President opposing the Taliban. These are the guys who want forgein troops there longer because the Taliban will kick their ass if the troops leave. These are the guys who were accused of torturing prisoners after Canadian and US troops handed over prisoners to them. We know that Bush vetoed the bill preventing CIA torture and that the CIA likes to outsource their dirty work to hide their liability.

The claim is that high ranking Taliban officials paid the guy to perform the acid attack. So by their information we have confirmation that it wasn’t the Taliban soldiers who did it. We have an accusation that the Taliban paid someone to do it. Which is entirely possible. It’s just that it's so hard for us to tell which group paid the guys to do it – the Taliban or the CIA and MI6 in an ongoing string of false flag events in the ongoing media driven propaganda war.

The article claims that girls were forbidden to attend school when the Taliban were in power. I don’t know if that is true or false. The Taliban closed down Turkish schools and seem to be opposed to non religious schools and closed many. Whether their position is an attack on girls is hard to tell. Like I said, in Afghanistan, woman are allowed to vote. In Saudi Arabia and Kuwait they are not.

The propaganda war seems to revolve around the oil factor again. It’s not as blatant as in Iraq who has oil, it’s more subtle with US oil company UNOCAL:

Seemingly the oil issue appears with the quest to build an oil pipeline through Afghanistan. Despite the propaganda, that appears to be the real root of the conflict:

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