Saturday, November 8, 2008

Eagle Safari Harrison

We took a couple of voyager canoes down the Harrison River today. We saw lots of seals poke their heads out of the water. They swim all the way up the Fraser for the salmon. It’s spawning season. It started to rain pretty heavy for quite a while. We saw several salmon carcasses and several salmon jump.

Many salmon were splashing about on the edge of the water. We saw a black bear not far from us on the shore looking for salmon too. It took off straight up the steep embankment when it saw us. I wondered why there were no eagles if there were so many salmon like at Brackendale. Then we finally started to see a few and the salmon started jumping all around our canoes.

We approached a few trees full of large birds. We thought they were turkey vultures at first. Then when we got closer we could clearly see they were eagle. Everywhere. All around us. It was awesome.

A deer was swimming in the water and climbed out on shore. In such a short span we saw so much wildlife. Seals, salmon, a bear, a deer and tons of eagles everywhere. It was awesome.

Eaglefest is on November 15 and 16 2008:

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