Thursday, November 6, 2008

Beware of Stupidity

This is what I like about the Province. They will print both side of an issue. People say I’m a dreamer. I am. In my fantasy world, free speech exists. People have the right to join and vote for the political party of their choice and they have the right to speak on an issue for or against.

The same day the Province ran my article in the editorial section they also ran a letter denouncing Obama in the letters section. They actually had two letters about Obama. One for:

And one against:

I will address the one against. It was titled Beware of Socialism. I shake my head at the bizarre stereotypes that rational beings subscribe to. They say democrats will tax and spend until there economy goes down the toilet and the republicans will save the economy with frugal spending and tax breaks for big business which will result in economic prosperity for all. This delusion is believed and repeated by many despite the fact that history has proven otherwise.

I’m not sure who produced this graph but the fact is everyone knows the economy was very bad under George Bush senior, got better for a while and got steadily worse under George Bush Jr until it completely and utterly crashed.

The ridiculous letter stated: "That once-proud nation will now be governed by ideals and a agenda that will, in four years, leave them with broken spirits, unfulfilled promises and an even larger deficit." This guy must be on crack because he’s living in a fantasy world of denial. He is describing the current state of affairs under 8 years of Bush’s leadership.

Even Canada's former United Nations envoy, Paul Heinbecker agrees. He described Bush’s tenure as catastrophic:

The Beware of Socialism article implies that people who want affordable Medicare are evil socialists. If he took the time to look past his narrow minded stereotypes he would see and hear a great man rising up to heal the nation. Even if what he said was true and the Democrats would spend money to house the homeless and improve Medicare for all not just the rich, don’t you think it would be better to spend some money on that then billions after billions which ended in the trillions on a war that was based on a lie and bailing out banks after they foreclosed the homes of the masses.

Would this man call the preacher, Martin Luther King a socialist? Would he call Jesus of Nazareth a socialist who said inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, ye have done it unto me. Ironic how extremists pimp the church to rationalize their greed and selfishness. Last I checked greed and selfishness are not elements of Christianity.

Open your eyes and stop pissing on the dream.

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