Monday, November 3, 2008


Why on earth would the Vancouver Province reprint such an offensive article by a Conrad Black left over from the National Post?

Perhaps the Vancouver Province was trying a Jerry Springer and going for the knee jerk reaction by posting something so offensive in their paper. Surely the days of media censorship are over. At least, let’s hope so. We do know they aren’t over at Macleans. Don’t forget Carl Bernstein’s article about the media published in the Rolling Stone on October 20, 1977.

Jonathan Kay set out to refute those who have concerns with the 911 discrepancies without presenting a single fact. His entire argument is that it would be too hard for that many people to keep it a secret. His conclusion, 911 was not a black op.

Why would he even comment on such an absurdity? Perhaps because in his own words "39 per cent of Canadians either reject or doubt the official explanation for the 9/11 attacks." Operation Northwoods was a black op. So was Operation Gladio in Europe. Both planned by the CIA. He didn’t mention either of those cases in his frivolous report.

Those cases were kept secret for many years until the documents finally became declassified. They were kept secret because only the CIA knew about them. If 911 was a black op, surely the fireman were not "in" on it. They were victims of the explosions going off in the towers long after the planes hit.

If 911 was a black op the only people who had to be in on it would have been the CIA, the President, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and likely Larry Silverstein. The shrewd businessman who for some strange reason paid full value for the twin towers knowing it was full of asbestos and that the Port Authority had just lost their court case requiring the insurance companies to pay to have the asbestos replaced.

Without diving into all the volumes of materials on the subject one simply has to ask ones self, how did the third tower fall when no planes hit it? The tower that contained all the other ready to be declassified CIA documents as well as the Enron files and all the other Wall Street scandals. The worlds biggest paper shredder.

Larry Silverstein said they pulled the building. We saw explosions going off after the planes hit. Yes, one plane did hit tower one and one plane did hit tower two. There was no plane wreckage found anywhere else including the Pentagon. That did look like a missile hit it not a plane. Donald Rumsfeld was the one that mentioned missiles.

JK’s spin is very short sighted. A responsible citizen will not bury their head in the sand when so many very real discrepancies have emerged. The third tower, the asbestos in the twin towers, no plane wreckage found at the pentagon. Operation Northwoods, Operation Gladio. The list goes on. I’m disappointed the Vancouver Province reprinted such a frivolous article.

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